Field Biology of PlantsOffield Family Nature Preserve (OFNP), Emmet County, MI was purchased in Spring 2009 by the Little Traverse Conservancy (LTC). Located within OFNP is Offield Bog, a relatively small, acidic peatland (4800 m2) with shallow peat depths (average < 3 m). We found 48 plant species in 23 families in the peatland. Native species consisted of 94% of the flora. Ericaceous shrubs including Vaccinium angustifolium, Chamaedaphne calyculata, and Vaccinium myrtilloides had the highest mean percent cover in the understory. The tree dominants were determined using a point-center quarter method by measuring the diameter at breast height of individual trees. The overstory dominants were Picea mariana, Larix laricina, and Ilex m...