This family is one of the novelties for the Peruvian endemic flora. The Ochnaceae are represented in Peru by seven genera and 25 species (Brako & Zarucchi, 1993; Ulloa Ulloa et al., 2004), mostly shrubs and trees. Here we recognize three endemic species in two genera. These species grow in Humid Lowland Amazonian Forests and Very Humid Premontane Forests regions, between 260 and 1380 m elevation. Two species have been recorded in the Peruvian System of Protected Natural Areas.Esta es una de las familias que constituye una novedad para la flora endémica peruana. La familia Ochnaceae es reconocida en el Perú por presentar siete géneros y 25 especies (Brako & Zarucchi, 1993; Ulloa Ulloa et al., 2004), la mayoría arbustos y árboles. En ...