ARNOLD ARBORETUM,HARBERD UNIVERSITY.Jamacia Plain Mass., July 8, 1897.My dear [J?] Muir:I have yours of the 1st. There is nothing like being young and energetic, as you seem to be, and I am sure you will not return from Shasta without the flowers we need. If any fellow can show a tree five hundred feet high, we will go and look at it. It is about time, it seems to me,that the maximum height of our trees should be settled. I feel sceptical, however, of finding any over four hundred feet. An Oak sixteen feet in diameter might be, but Patten\u27s Hemlock surely does not grow in the San Gabriel Range. He has mistaken it for our old friend Pseudotsuga macrocarpa. I return newspaper cuttings.I still expect to start August 2nd.Faithfully yours,[il...