[Original in possession of Miss Margaret Lunam, Dunbar. Scotland]Cunard Royal Mail Steamship Campania September 16. 1893.[To Mrs. Margaret Lunam and daughter]My dear Cousins, Maggies two: L J I am now off and awa\u27 from the auld name to the new. from friends to friends, and I again bid you Goodbye with liveliest feelings of thanks and gratitude for the kind and hearty way you have taken your lonely stormbeaten and long-lost, wandering cousin to your hearts and home. Among all the many pictures and impressions made on my memory this strange, exciting summer, none are so keen or likely to be so lasting as those of my cousins,the Hays, Gilroys, Mathers, etc., and I am turning them round and round and over and over in my mind as the shores o...