December 8th, 1892R. W. GILDER, EDITOR.R. U. JOHNSON,ASSOCIATE EDITOR. C. C. BUELASSISTANT EDITOR.John Muir, Esq.Martinez, California.Dear Mr. Muir-I send you herewith advance sheets of my editorial in the January Century, which will show you that I have got back to work again on the Yosemite question.I am now in communication with Secretary Noble to see what can practically be done in the way of a repeal of the grant of \u2764 in case the Legislature does not act promptly. It seems to me that you men in California who know most about the subject, ought now to be organizing and bestirring yourselves. I have written to Armes and can get no reply from him as to whether the Sierra Club will undertake the work of organizing public opinion. The ...