TOP i Volume 9, Number 4 MUIR Fall 1999 VULUMJ, J, HUMbEK 1 i; TALL 1333 newsXhtter John Muir\u27s Struggle in the North: Travels in Alaska and The Cruise of the Corwin by Hal Crimmel, Ph.D. raditionally, Muir\u27s reputation has been that of America\u27s foremost wilderness lover, sage, and advocate, unrelenting in his quest for a pure wilderness experience. For Muir, wilderness was not a confrontation, Harold Simonson tells us, but a confirmation. 1 This is the Muir that captured the public\u27s imagination, j|e Muir who could write, The whole wilderness seems to be alive and familiar, full of humanity. The very stones jtem talkative, sympathetic, brotherly. 2 Perhaps with ||ese moments in mind, Edwin Way Teale wrote of Muir, (Always...