8o TWENTY HILL HOLLOW. [July, Mademoiselle Deligny remained but a Aveek in Brittany. She never recovered from her surprise at finding the Marquis de Bridal so changed; and life in one of these old castles was a very tiresome affair, she said to Louison; adding, by way of comfort: Don\u27t fret, Louison; we will return to Paris at once. Ah! we poor women are always disappointed, when we—follow the dictates of our hearts ! During the week of her stay, the Marquis never once raised his eyes. A month after her departure, Marion and Gilbert were married in the little chapel where the Marquise lay buried; and Monsieur le Marquis has not resumed his historical researches to this day. On his table now stood a little, pale-blue slipper; and on ...