358 THE WILD SHEEP OF CALIFORNIA. [April, THE WILD SHEEP OF CALIFORNIA. N EARLY all of the lofty mountain chains of the globe are inhabited by wild sheep, which are ordinarily classified under five or six distinct species. These are the argali (Ovis amnion, Lin.), found throughout all the principal mountains of Asia; the burrhal (Ov. burrhel), of the upper Himalayas; the Corsican wild sheep (Ov. musimon, Pal.); the African (Ov. tragelephus, Cuv.); and the American bighorn (Ov. Montana, Cuv.). This last, also called the Rocky Mountain sheep, is identical with the wild sheep of the Sierra Nevada. Its range, according to Professor Baird, extends from the region of the upper Missouri and Yellowstone to the Rocky Mountains and the high grounds a...