THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY: jftaga?me of Literature., Science, &rt anD $oltttcft Vol. LXXX. — A UGUST, 1897. — No. CCCCLXXVIII. THE AMERICAN FORESTS. The forests of America, however slighted by man, must have been a great delight to God; for they were the best he ever planted. The whole continent was a garden, and from the beginning it seemed to be favored above all the other wild parks and gardens of the globe. To prepare the ground, it was rolled and sifted in seas with infinite loving deliberation and forethought, lifted into the light, submerged and warmed over and over again, pressed and crumpled into folds and ridgea, mountains and hills, stibsoiled with heaving volcanic fires, ploughed and ground and sculptured into scenery and sod with gl...