1859. Oct. 8. Saturday. The New York Tribune gives an account of the remarkable daring feat of Mons. Blondin, who has crossed the Niagara river near the falls on a rope, not simply walking on it, but performing all sorts of evolutions such as turning somersets, dancing, etc. when alone, and then carrying a man on his shoulders across the fearful chasm. (T.S.R. 48. 2 P.M. 91. S.S. 81.) Oct. 9. Sabbath. A thing occurred which does not often occur, Susie was absent from the S. school, of which she is almost a constant attendant, officiating as teacher of the children. She is now at San Francisco, whither she went with Mr. Ramsdell and George, when Mr. R. left for New Hampshire. George came back last Friday, and left her there to visit Augusta....