The way thro’ oak, Taeda and long leaf, many swamps and lagoons with taxodium; hunters of duck on train. At Mobile saw truck garden of 2 Germans, fine pecan orchard, trees 50 ft apart, 5 to 25 cents for 1b. [Nov 25]. Bought ticket home; then went to Dr. Mellichamp for 3 to 4 hrs, a charming old S Carolinan and daughter and grandchildren; he had red my book, is a botanist. Took long ride thro’ city, many beautiful homes with live o and palms. Took train at 11 P.M. Crossed river on ferry, much Taxodium to Houston and rather small scrubby oaks; soil on Brazos bottom v rich. Day rainy and cold; met man on ferry who had seen my writings, shook hands when left. [Nov 26]. As far as San Antonio rich flat ground, mostly thin hilly; light crops of ...