to get train for Lake George, found steamers on L ran only every day and I would arrive in small hrs of morning, so decided to go to Montreal to see the river and the Lake scenery by day on return. [Oct 17]. Arrived Montreal 7:30 A.M. Had breakfast and started back to Burlington, Vt. On E side of Champlain at 9 A.M. Arrived at Burlington 12:05, a bright bracing day. Had good gen view of Montreal, many imposing buildings, on rim ancient flat, high bluff timbered behind, the river 2 ms wide with many islands; a glorious flood clear pure Northland water, still looks wild, banks timbered in many places, long wide stretch 10 ms or more; on S bank wet in many places and rocky and meadow, rudely farmed, once the bed of the mighty river then 20 to...