This thesis deals with bullying and other forms of discrimination in the workplace and legislation in the CR. The aim to propose recommendaions for the protection of victims by the legal system of defining and de lege ferenda proposals to strengthen the rights of harassed employees. The thesis is an analysis of different types of bullying and discrimination and comparison of legislation in the CR legislation in selected EU countries. To find legal aid for victims of bullying and discrimination is a summary of acvivities of specific organizations mentioned issue and solve it from a legal point if view - a specialized non-governmental organizations, state authorities and the courts and labor inspection authorities
199 ABSTRACT Discrimination in employment relations with the focus on sexual harassment This dissert...
68 Resumé The ban of discrimination and equal treatment in labour-management relations The purpose o...
Resumé This rigorous thesis concentrates on relevant questions of judicial institute of discriminati...
The main theme of this thesis is bullying in labour-law relations which is called more precisely mob...
Workplace violence Abstract Herein presented thesis addresses the problem of workplace violence. The...
Bullying as a pathological phenomenon in the workplace Abstract The thesis paper examines the pathol...
Harassment in the workplace Abstract This diploma thesis concerns harassment in labor relations. I d...
Applying the prohibition of discrimination in employment relations. Abstract This thesis is about di...
Discrimination against certain groups of employees This diploma thesis deals with problems of discri...
The Equal Treatment and the Prohibition of Discrimination of Employees in Labour Relations This thes...
(in English): The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of bullying in the workplace. The main attent...
of the rigorosum thesis "Equal Treatment and Discrimination in Labor-Law Relationships" The aim of t...
Resumé " The equal treatment and prohibition of discrimination in Labour law" This thesis deals with...
My thesis is focused on the prohibition of discrimination in labor relations. This topic is very lar...
The thesis analyses the issue of equal treatment and the prohibition of discrimination in labor rela...
199 ABSTRACT Discrimination in employment relations with the focus on sexual harassment This dissert...
68 Resumé The ban of discrimination and equal treatment in labour-management relations The purpose o...
Resumé This rigorous thesis concentrates on relevant questions of judicial institute of discriminati...
The main theme of this thesis is bullying in labour-law relations which is called more precisely mob...
Workplace violence Abstract Herein presented thesis addresses the problem of workplace violence. The...
Bullying as a pathological phenomenon in the workplace Abstract The thesis paper examines the pathol...
Harassment in the workplace Abstract This diploma thesis concerns harassment in labor relations. I d...
Applying the prohibition of discrimination in employment relations. Abstract This thesis is about di...
Discrimination against certain groups of employees This diploma thesis deals with problems of discri...
The Equal Treatment and the Prohibition of Discrimination of Employees in Labour Relations This thes...
(in English): The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of bullying in the workplace. The main attent...
of the rigorosum thesis "Equal Treatment and Discrimination in Labor-Law Relationships" The aim of t...
Resumé " The equal treatment and prohibition of discrimination in Labour law" This thesis deals with...
My thesis is focused on the prohibition of discrimination in labor relations. This topic is very lar...
The thesis analyses the issue of equal treatment and the prohibition of discrimination in labor rela...
199 ABSTRACT Discrimination in employment relations with the focus on sexual harassment This dissert...
68 Resumé The ban of discrimination and equal treatment in labour-management relations The purpose o...
Resumé This rigorous thesis concentrates on relevant questions of judicial institute of discriminati...