The Bachelor study entitled ?Psychology and symbolism of colours? addresses the symbolic significance of colours in life, in terms of development and particularly cultural differences. The theoretical part of the study provides evidence of the importance of colours in terms of the historical development of traditional cultures and their views on perception; individual chapters are devoted to the physiological and psychological effects of colours on the human organism. The final theoretical part of the study includes methods of using these findings, as currently used in psychology and diagnostics. The practical part analyses the importance of the application of colours in the interiors and gives examples of how to work with colours in the in...
This bacelor thesis is about associations connected with colors in different cultures, focuses on di...
Diplomsko delo z naslovom BARVA KOT VEČPLASTNI FENOMEN (KATARZIS PREKO BESED IN SLIK) je nastalo z n...
Anton Trstenjak wrote: »Our life is practically sinking in the sea of light and colours.« Different ...
The diploma work is concentrated on colours and how primary children perceive them. The theoretical ...
This research , colours and their modern and contemporary psychological educational and artistic dim...
Ideja završnog rada bila je proučiti psihologiju boja i simboliku predmeta u likovnoj umjetnosti, to...
The purpose of this master thesis was to explore the relationship between colours and symbols in Art...
Main topic of this bachelor's work is synesthesia. Important part of this work is literature review ...
The bachelor thesis is focused on color preferences and personality traits. They are examined associ...
The theoretical part of the thesis deals with two core themes. The first passage is paid to the emot...
Colour symbolism plays a great role in art, religious rituals and everyday life. Colour names can be...
V diplomskem delu se ukvarjam z rabo barv za namen pripovedovanja zgodbe in ustvarjanja vzdušja. Pri...
Thesis trats of elementary physical color characteristics, principle of human color perception. Ref...
The thesis discusses the blue colour as a field of artistic expression and introduction of it into t...
Barve izražajo pestrost, brez njih bi bilo življenje dobesedno sivo. Vsaka barva ima svoje bistvene ...
This bacelor thesis is about associations connected with colors in different cultures, focuses on di...
Diplomsko delo z naslovom BARVA KOT VEČPLASTNI FENOMEN (KATARZIS PREKO BESED IN SLIK) je nastalo z n...
Anton Trstenjak wrote: »Our life is practically sinking in the sea of light and colours.« Different ...
The diploma work is concentrated on colours and how primary children perceive them. The theoretical ...
This research , colours and their modern and contemporary psychological educational and artistic dim...
Ideja završnog rada bila je proučiti psihologiju boja i simboliku predmeta u likovnoj umjetnosti, to...
The purpose of this master thesis was to explore the relationship between colours and symbols in Art...
Main topic of this bachelor's work is synesthesia. Important part of this work is literature review ...
The bachelor thesis is focused on color preferences and personality traits. They are examined associ...
The theoretical part of the thesis deals with two core themes. The first passage is paid to the emot...
Colour symbolism plays a great role in art, religious rituals and everyday life. Colour names can be...
V diplomskem delu se ukvarjam z rabo barv za namen pripovedovanja zgodbe in ustvarjanja vzdušja. Pri...
Thesis trats of elementary physical color characteristics, principle of human color perception. Ref...
The thesis discusses the blue colour as a field of artistic expression and introduction of it into t...
Barve izražajo pestrost, brez njih bi bilo življenje dobesedno sivo. Vsaka barva ima svoje bistvene ...
This bacelor thesis is about associations connected with colors in different cultures, focuses on di...
Diplomsko delo z naslovom BARVA KOT VEČPLASTNI FENOMEN (KATARZIS PREKO BESED IN SLIK) je nastalo z n...
Anton Trstenjak wrote: »Our life is practically sinking in the sea of light and colours.« Different ...