Biomass utilization in energy production through combustion is regarded as an efficient alternative to consuming diminishing fossil natural resources. Furthermore, biomass is not only a naturally replenishable energy source, but is also CO2 neutral, and thus it is a sustainable option to satisfy the ever-growing energy demand. Existing combustion technologies such as industrial boilers and furnaces can utilize renewable fuels to a certain degree only, mainly when blended with traditional fossil fuels. Consequently, new technologies have been developed, such as BioGrate boilers, which can fully benefit from biomass fuel. Furthermore, future energy systems will comprise an increasing variety of energy sources for flexible energy generation. ...
In this thesis electricity generation is considered from two different starting points: modelling of...
Musta hiili on yksi ilmaston muutokseen eniten vaikuttavimmista partikkeleista. Tyypillisiä lähteitä...
Interest in liquid bio fuels has risen steadily over past years, due to rising oil prices and the ne...
Biomass utilization in energy production through combustion is regarded as an efficient alternative ...
Bioenergialla on tärkeä rooli ilmastonmuutoksen torjunnassa ja biomassan energiakäytön ennustetaan k...
Helsinki Energy, Helsinki city owned power company, is trying to reduce its C02 emissions and increa...
Climate change and environmental concerns are forcing process industries to increase the share of su...
This Master's thesis studies steam reheats with biomass power plants. The primary research objectiv...
Turun Seudun Energiantuotanto Oy rakennutti Naantaliin uuden monipolttoainevoimalaitoksen. Vanhojen ...
Kietojo biokuro deginimas stacionariame verdančiame sluoksnyje yra šiandien vienas iš pažangiausių e...
Biomasa určitě v budoucnosti nenahradí fosilní paliva nebo jadernou energii. Může byt, ale doplňujíc...
Ilmastonmuutoksen ja tiukentuvien päästörajojen takia olemassa olevaa energiantuotantoa on muutettav...
Tuuli- ja aurinkoenergia ovat maailmanlaajuisesti nopeiten kasvavia uusiutuvan energian tuotantomuot...
The purpose of this thesis was familiarizing me to the production of biogas and bio-hydrogen. Bio e...
Greenhouse gas emissions caused by iron and steel industry are an important part of the world’s tota...
In this thesis electricity generation is considered from two different starting points: modelling of...
Musta hiili on yksi ilmaston muutokseen eniten vaikuttavimmista partikkeleista. Tyypillisiä lähteitä...
Interest in liquid bio fuels has risen steadily over past years, due to rising oil prices and the ne...
Biomass utilization in energy production through combustion is regarded as an efficient alternative ...
Bioenergialla on tärkeä rooli ilmastonmuutoksen torjunnassa ja biomassan energiakäytön ennustetaan k...
Helsinki Energy, Helsinki city owned power company, is trying to reduce its C02 emissions and increa...
Climate change and environmental concerns are forcing process industries to increase the share of su...
This Master's thesis studies steam reheats with biomass power plants. The primary research objectiv...
Turun Seudun Energiantuotanto Oy rakennutti Naantaliin uuden monipolttoainevoimalaitoksen. Vanhojen ...
Kietojo biokuro deginimas stacionariame verdančiame sluoksnyje yra šiandien vienas iš pažangiausių e...
Biomasa určitě v budoucnosti nenahradí fosilní paliva nebo jadernou energii. Může byt, ale doplňujíc...
Ilmastonmuutoksen ja tiukentuvien päästörajojen takia olemassa olevaa energiantuotantoa on muutettav...
Tuuli- ja aurinkoenergia ovat maailmanlaajuisesti nopeiten kasvavia uusiutuvan energian tuotantomuot...
The purpose of this thesis was familiarizing me to the production of biogas and bio-hydrogen. Bio e...
Greenhouse gas emissions caused by iron and steel industry are an important part of the world’s tota...
In this thesis electricity generation is considered from two different starting points: modelling of...
Musta hiili on yksi ilmaston muutokseen eniten vaikuttavimmista partikkeleista. Tyypillisiä lähteitä...
Interest in liquid bio fuels has risen steadily over past years, due to rising oil prices and the ne...