Draft of a letter from Carl Linnaeus fil. to Abraham Bäck (1713-1795), physician to the king and friend of Linnaeus pat. Undated. Linnaeus fil. apologises for not having written since returning from his visit to Stockholm but knows his 'uncle' would not thank him for a string of empty compliments. He has had a letter from 'young Forster' (Johan Georg Adam Forster, 1754-1794) now established in Berlin (probably Johan Georg Adam Forster to Carl Linnaeus the Younger, 12 November 1778, "The Linnaean correspondence", linnaeus.c18.net, letter L6266). He has heard from Macri (i.e. Saverio Macri) in Naples, whose thesis on "Pulmes marinus" is being printed (it was printed in 1778, under the title "Nuove osservazioni intorno la storia naturale del P...