One of form economic that develop in this modern era is MLM (Multi Level Marketing) business. One of MLM business that can interest Situbondo society is 4Jovem MLM. This business promise exciting rewads like money, HP, car, umroh, and others. Requirements about Islamic MLM contained in DSN MUI No. 75/DSN-MUI/VII/2009 as one of reference in determining the halal haram of MLM. This research have purpose to present practice 4Jovem MLM business completely and it’s analysis based on Fatwa MUI until the society can take a stand about this 4Jovem MLM. Based on analysis presented, it be concluded that the implementation of the 4Jovem MLM business in Situbondo especially, most of them is have been fulfilled provisions and applied the contract in Fat...
Abstrak Belakangan ini semakin banyak muncul perusahaan-perusahaan yang menjual produknya melalui s...
In the business world, it is often found in businesses that contain elements of usury in them which ...
Abstract: Analyzing the Ju’alah Contract in Multi Level Marketing (MLM) Business. The massive prolif...
Metode penjualan barang dan produk jasa dengan sistem Multi Level Marketing telah dipraktikkan oleh ...
In reality, now MLM company have been many of the grown and well developed in the country and overse...
This study aims to find out about MLM (Multi Level Marketing) in Islamic view (Islamic law). This re...
Abstak: Hukum Islam sangat memahami dan menyadari karakteristik muamalah dan bahwa perkembangan sist...
Abstak: Hukum Islam sangat memahami dan menyadari karakteristik muamalah dan bahwa perkembangan sist...
The number of companies that apply Sharia-based Multi Level Marketing (MLM) have grown rapidly. The ...
The purpose of this research is to discuss the multi level marketing (MLM) business in terms of Isla...
The phenomenon of the Multi Level Marketing business is growing rapidly from day to day, starting fr...
One form of cooperation being developed today is a tiered direct selling system or often called Mult...
Dengan berlandaskan ekonomi syari’ah dan nilai-nilai keislaman, mereka membangun kehidupan bisnisnya...
Maraknya bisnis Multi Level Marketing (MLM) membuat ahli ekonomi dan bisnis Islam berbeda pendapat d...
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to explain the fatwa of the DSN-MUI (Dewan Sharia Nasional-Ma...
Abstrak Belakangan ini semakin banyak muncul perusahaan-perusahaan yang menjual produknya melalui s...
In the business world, it is often found in businesses that contain elements of usury in them which ...
Abstract: Analyzing the Ju’alah Contract in Multi Level Marketing (MLM) Business. The massive prolif...
Metode penjualan barang dan produk jasa dengan sistem Multi Level Marketing telah dipraktikkan oleh ...
In reality, now MLM company have been many of the grown and well developed in the country and overse...
This study aims to find out about MLM (Multi Level Marketing) in Islamic view (Islamic law). This re...
Abstak: Hukum Islam sangat memahami dan menyadari karakteristik muamalah dan bahwa perkembangan sist...
Abstak: Hukum Islam sangat memahami dan menyadari karakteristik muamalah dan bahwa perkembangan sist...
The number of companies that apply Sharia-based Multi Level Marketing (MLM) have grown rapidly. The ...
The purpose of this research is to discuss the multi level marketing (MLM) business in terms of Isla...
The phenomenon of the Multi Level Marketing business is growing rapidly from day to day, starting fr...
One form of cooperation being developed today is a tiered direct selling system or often called Mult...
Dengan berlandaskan ekonomi syari’ah dan nilai-nilai keislaman, mereka membangun kehidupan bisnisnya...
Maraknya bisnis Multi Level Marketing (MLM) membuat ahli ekonomi dan bisnis Islam berbeda pendapat d...
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to explain the fatwa of the DSN-MUI (Dewan Sharia Nasional-Ma...
Abstrak Belakangan ini semakin banyak muncul perusahaan-perusahaan yang menjual produknya melalui s...
In the business world, it is often found in businesses that contain elements of usury in them which ...
Abstract: Analyzing the Ju’alah Contract in Multi Level Marketing (MLM) Business. The massive prolif...