"Dated" is a traditionally animated 2D short produced by Tan Ping Hao, Melissa Sing, Ho Jia Fen and I. This report is a documentation of the process of creating this Final Year Project, from pre-production to post-production, where it will cover aspects such as the individual contributions of the team members and the solutions we found in response to the challenges we faced during the entire period.Bachelor of Fine Art
Away is a short animated film created by Adorabelle Tan Xiu Wen and Chuang Yu Hsin, graduating Digit...
This is a report that documents the thoughts and process revolving around a 2d animation student fil...
The group set out on making a comedy short film in 3D, drawing inspiration from hand drawn animation...
Dated is a 2D hand drawn animation film done by Tan Ping Hao, Melissa Sing, Wang Jia Ying and myself...
The subject of this Final Year Project Report is 7.18.25, a short 2D animated film by my team (Jolen...
Final year project report for the 2D animated short film 4:44. The film was done by Chin Yulin and N...
Baozha! is a hand-drawn 2D animated short that depicts a young guardian angel’s struggle against her...
This paper looks into the process and development of the short animation “Bug” (April 2009), lookin...
This report details the process of the creation of the animation short, ‘The Customer’ as a componen...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
My Final Year Project is a 3D animated short film named ‘Do Not Disturb!’ collaborating with my grou...
This report is a summary on the development of the animated short movie “Gachapon Girl”. The report ...
This report will discuss the procedures, techniques and processes involved in creating a short 3-D c...
“Echoes” is a 2D digitally-animated short film produced as a final year project. It tells the story ...
This is a short 3D animated film directed and produced by two year 4 animation student in the school...
Away is a short animated film created by Adorabelle Tan Xiu Wen and Chuang Yu Hsin, graduating Digit...
This is a report that documents the thoughts and process revolving around a 2d animation student fil...
The group set out on making a comedy short film in 3D, drawing inspiration from hand drawn animation...
Dated is a 2D hand drawn animation film done by Tan Ping Hao, Melissa Sing, Wang Jia Ying and myself...
The subject of this Final Year Project Report is 7.18.25, a short 2D animated film by my team (Jolen...
Final year project report for the 2D animated short film 4:44. The film was done by Chin Yulin and N...
Baozha! is a hand-drawn 2D animated short that depicts a young guardian angel’s struggle against her...
This paper looks into the process and development of the short animation “Bug” (April 2009), lookin...
This report details the process of the creation of the animation short, ‘The Customer’ as a componen...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
My Final Year Project is a 3D animated short film named ‘Do Not Disturb!’ collaborating with my grou...
This report is a summary on the development of the animated short movie “Gachapon Girl”. The report ...
This report will discuss the procedures, techniques and processes involved in creating a short 3-D c...
“Echoes” is a 2D digitally-animated short film produced as a final year project. It tells the story ...
This is a short 3D animated film directed and produced by two year 4 animation student in the school...
Away is a short animated film created by Adorabelle Tan Xiu Wen and Chuang Yu Hsin, graduating Digit...
This is a report that documents the thoughts and process revolving around a 2d animation student fil...
The group set out on making a comedy short film in 3D, drawing inspiration from hand drawn animation...