“Hidden”, a short comedic thriller follows an average tough lady, Renee, who happens to have a clumsy side. As nature calls, she stumbles into a public restroom to relieve herself. However, she lands herself in trouble after she drops her phone into the commode. While trying to retrieve it, she faces an unexpected change of event.Bachelor of Fine Art
Flight is a one-person stage play about a girl overcoming her fear caused by a past traumatic experi...
An metaphorical audiovisual animation about the discovery of self.Bachelor of Fine Art
BAOZHA! is a hand-drawn, 2D animated, comedic short film that revolves around a guardian deity’s str...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
Title Here is a Final Year Project that is in the form of 2D animation short film. This animation is...
Airplane Ride is a hand-drawn 2D animated short about a young girl who goes on a magical airplane ri...
‘First Mission’ is a 3D comedy short animated film about a novice Grim Reaper on his first job to re...
“Umbrella” is a playful animated film that fuses traditional and digital media to create unconventio...
Kite Might is a short animated film about a young girl’s desire to fly an extremely big kite. Featur...
Project Marionette is a 3D animated short film produced by Joshua Tan, Candice Elizabeth Chua & Liew...
A stop motion animation about a little girl who falls into a world of anxiety after her father leave...
‘Wait.’ is a 2.5D animated short film that combines 3D rendered backgrounds with 2D animated chara...
Where Do All the Lost Things Go is a short animation film that explores a child's imagination where ...
A short animation that combines several personal experiences and surroundings into a simple yet ente...
‘Token’ is a 4 minutes live-action with augmented reality visual effects film, exploring the techni...
Flight is a one-person stage play about a girl overcoming her fear caused by a past traumatic experi...
An metaphorical audiovisual animation about the discovery of self.Bachelor of Fine Art
BAOZHA! is a hand-drawn, 2D animated, comedic short film that revolves around a guardian deity’s str...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
Title Here is a Final Year Project that is in the form of 2D animation short film. This animation is...
Airplane Ride is a hand-drawn 2D animated short about a young girl who goes on a magical airplane ri...
‘First Mission’ is a 3D comedy short animated film about a novice Grim Reaper on his first job to re...
“Umbrella” is a playful animated film that fuses traditional and digital media to create unconventio...
Kite Might is a short animated film about a young girl’s desire to fly an extremely big kite. Featur...
Project Marionette is a 3D animated short film produced by Joshua Tan, Candice Elizabeth Chua & Liew...
A stop motion animation about a little girl who falls into a world of anxiety after her father leave...
‘Wait.’ is a 2.5D animated short film that combines 3D rendered backgrounds with 2D animated chara...
Where Do All the Lost Things Go is a short animation film that explores a child's imagination where ...
A short animation that combines several personal experiences and surroundings into a simple yet ente...
‘Token’ is a 4 minutes live-action with augmented reality visual effects film, exploring the techni...
Flight is a one-person stage play about a girl overcoming her fear caused by a past traumatic experi...
An metaphorical audiovisual animation about the discovery of self.Bachelor of Fine Art
BAOZHA! is a hand-drawn, 2D animated, comedic short film that revolves around a guardian deity’s str...