4th August 2008, the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the head of the Armenian Catholic archdiocese in Lviv, archbishop Józef Teodorowicz, is an opportunity to take a closer look at his life and work through the eyes of witnesses. One of them is Barbara Żulińska of the Congregation of Sisters of Resurrection. She was close to the Armenian hierarch, both through her work in their shared socio-religious environment (Lviv), her deep fascination with his personality and public mission, as well as her function of a trusted secretary, or even the first critical reviewer of his literary works.Przypadająca 4 XII 2008 r. pięćdziesiąta rocznica śmierci pasterza ormiańskokatolickiej archidiecezji lwowskiej abp. Józefa Teodorowicza stwarza dobrą ok...