In one of the side altars in the Cracow church of the Calced Carmelites ‘Na Piasku’ there is a miraculous image of Christ carrying a crucifix, brought after World War II from the Discalced Carmelites church in Lviv. The painting is one of the many examples o f using graphic models by painters as it was painted from a drawing made according to a composition of Peter de Witte, called Candid (born ca 1548 in Bruges, died in 1628 in Munich) by Raphael Sadeler I (born 1561 in Antwerp, died 1632 in Prague).W krakowskim kościele karmelitów trzewiczkowych Na Piasku, w dolnej partii retabulum ołtarza ustawionego w pierwszej kaplicy od prezbiterium, po stronie południowej, umieszczony jest wizerunek Chrystusa niosącego krzyż. Obraz, namalowany w XVII...