We estimated phosphorus flux mediated by benthic invertebrates from the sediments to the water in a shallow eutrophic lake (lake Donghu, central China) and quantified spatial (littoral and central sites) and specific (among different benthic taxa) differences. The mass-specific excretion rates of phosphorus (soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP, ηmol·mg dry mass–1·h–1) by benthic invertebrates (abundant taxa) were estimated experimentally and calculated as a final minus of initial nutrient mass divided by dry mass of organisms. Results showed high importance of chironomid larvae as a contributor to the total P flux from sediments to water in shallow lake Donghu. Benthic biomass (from ...
Lake Chaohu, the fifth largest freshwater lake in China, has been subjected to severe eutrophication...
The role of phosphorus cycling in algal metabolism was studied in a shallow lake, Donghu, in Wuhan u...
Lake eutrophication in China is a serious issue and has raised urgent attention, which is required f...
We estimated phosphorus flux mediated by benthic invertebrates from the sediments to the wat...
We estimated phosphorus flux mediated by benthic invertebrates from the sediments to the water in a ...
Nutrient (N and P) fluxes via excretion by macrozoobenthos were estimated in a Chinese large shallow...
Internal release of nutrients is an important contributor to the nutrient dynamics in shallow eutrop...
The contribution of metazoan zooplankton to internal phosphorus (P) cycling was investigat...
taxa (chironomids, tubificid oligochaetes and Chaoborus). 2. The three taxa differed in spatial dist...
Three shallow basins in Huizhou West Lake, China, were compared with respect to phosphorus (P) cycli...
Phosphatase may accelerate the process of lake eutrophication through improving phosphorus bioavaila...
Sediment of eutrophic lakes was characterized by higher organic matter (OM) content with chironomids...
Spatiotemporal variations of P species and adsorption behavior in water column, interstitial water, ...
Spatial and seasonal variations of particulate phosphorus (PP) in a large shallow, eutrophic Lake Ta...
The role of phosphorus cycling in algal metabolism was studied in a shallow lake, Donghu, in Wuhan u...
Lake Chaohu, the fifth largest freshwater lake in China, has been subjected to severe eutrophication...
The role of phosphorus cycling in algal metabolism was studied in a shallow lake, Donghu, in Wuhan u...
Lake eutrophication in China is a serious issue and has raised urgent attention, which is required f...
We estimated phosphorus flux mediated by benthic invertebrates from the sediments to the wat...
We estimated phosphorus flux mediated by benthic invertebrates from the sediments to the water in a ...
Nutrient (N and P) fluxes via excretion by macrozoobenthos were estimated in a Chinese large shallow...
Internal release of nutrients is an important contributor to the nutrient dynamics in shallow eutrop...
The contribution of metazoan zooplankton to internal phosphorus (P) cycling was investigat...
taxa (chironomids, tubificid oligochaetes and Chaoborus). 2. The three taxa differed in spatial dist...
Three shallow basins in Huizhou West Lake, China, were compared with respect to phosphorus (P) cycli...
Phosphatase may accelerate the process of lake eutrophication through improving phosphorus bioavaila...
Sediment of eutrophic lakes was characterized by higher organic matter (OM) content with chironomids...
Spatiotemporal variations of P species and adsorption behavior in water column, interstitial water, ...
Spatial and seasonal variations of particulate phosphorus (PP) in a large shallow, eutrophic Lake Ta...
The role of phosphorus cycling in algal metabolism was studied in a shallow lake, Donghu, in Wuhan u...
Lake Chaohu, the fifth largest freshwater lake in China, has been subjected to severe eutrophication...
The role of phosphorus cycling in algal metabolism was studied in a shallow lake, Donghu, in Wuhan u...
Lake eutrophication in China is a serious issue and has raised urgent attention, which is required f...