Redox-based resistive switches are an emerging class of non-volatile memory and logic devices. Especially, ultimately scaled transistor-less passive crossbar arrays using a selector/resistive-switch (1S1R) configuration are one of the most promising architectures. Due to the scalability and the inherent logic and memory capabilities of these devices, they are good candidates for logic-in-memory approaches. But due to the memory architecture, true parallelism can only be achieved by either working on several arrays at the same time or at multiple lines in an array at the same time. In this work, a Sklansky tree adder is presented, which exploits the parallelism of a single crossbar array. The functionality is proven by means of memristive si...
As conventional memory technologies are challenged by their technological physical limits, emerging ...
Rapid growth of future information technology depends on energy-efficient computation and ultra-high...
Resistance switching (RS) devices have potential to offer computing and memory function. A new compu...
Redox-based resistive switches are an emerging class of non-volatile memory and logic devices. Espec...
Redox-based resistive switching devices (ReRAM) are an emerging class of nonvolatile storage element...
On the road towards higher memory density and computer performance, a significant improvement in ene...
Low operating voltage, high storage density, non-volatile storage capabilities, and relative low acc...
Resistive switching devices are an emerging class of non-volatile memory elements suited for applica...
New memory technologies may penetrate the market only if they offer substantial improvements compare...
The use of memristors and resistive random access memory (ReRAM) technology to perform logic computa...
Rapid growth of future information technology depends on energy-efficient computation and ultra-high...
The realization of logic operations within passive crossbar memory arrays is a promising approach to...
Emerging resistively switching devices are thought to enable ultradense passive nanocrossbar arrays ...
Memristor or RRAM (Resistive Random Access Memory) based crossbar array architecture (CBA) is consid...
Rapid growth of future information technology depends on energy-efficient computation and ultra-high...
As conventional memory technologies are challenged by their technological physical limits, emerging ...
Rapid growth of future information technology depends on energy-efficient computation and ultra-high...
Resistance switching (RS) devices have potential to offer computing and memory function. A new compu...
Redox-based resistive switches are an emerging class of non-volatile memory and logic devices. Espec...
Redox-based resistive switching devices (ReRAM) are an emerging class of nonvolatile storage element...
On the road towards higher memory density and computer performance, a significant improvement in ene...
Low operating voltage, high storage density, non-volatile storage capabilities, and relative low acc...
Resistive switching devices are an emerging class of non-volatile memory elements suited for applica...
New memory technologies may penetrate the market only if they offer substantial improvements compare...
The use of memristors and resistive random access memory (ReRAM) technology to perform logic computa...
Rapid growth of future information technology depends on energy-efficient computation and ultra-high...
The realization of logic operations within passive crossbar memory arrays is a promising approach to...
Emerging resistively switching devices are thought to enable ultradense passive nanocrossbar arrays ...
Memristor or RRAM (Resistive Random Access Memory) based crossbar array architecture (CBA) is consid...
Rapid growth of future information technology depends on energy-efficient computation and ultra-high...
As conventional memory technologies are challenged by their technological physical limits, emerging ...
Rapid growth of future information technology depends on energy-efficient computation and ultra-high...
Resistance switching (RS) devices have potential to offer computing and memory function. A new compu...