The basic properties of the subthreshold currents in MOSFET's are used in order to account for a latch-up mechanism at low level in the MOS thyristor structure. The main results are i) a high sensitivity of the latch-up mechanism with the gate voltage value, ii) a very low drain voltage value is sufficient to set on this switch-back. ${\rm d}V/{\rm d}t$ capability of about 1 500 V/$\mu$s is obtained in this kind of MOS thyristors. Two configurations for the structure are described ; the electrical properties (D.C. and ${\rm d}V/{\rm d}t$ transients) are presented. We also explain, by the same mechanism, the switch-back at turn-on in the MOS controlled thyristor (MCT).On analyse le principe de l'utilisation de la composante du courant dite s...
In this paper, a contribution to the study of the performance of the trench power MOSFET's in the lo...
This paper revises the conditions under which the translinear principle can be fully exploited for M...
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la modélisation numérique des transistors MOS avancés en vue d'élabore...
Today's Power Electronics requires semi-conductor devices with better performance, both ir static an...
The IGBT has become the device of choice in many high-voltage-power electronic applications, by virt...
Thyristors are usually three-terminal devices that have four layers of alternating p-type and n-type...
Certain applications for pulse power require narrow, high current pulses for their implementation. T...
This thesis deals with the modelling and evaluation of performance of a new power device, referred t...
Threshold voltage scaling in deep sub-micron CMOS technologies is often dictated by the allowable of...
Threshold voltage scaling in deep sub-micron CMOS technologies is often dictated by the allowable of...
The properties of a new génération of MOS transistors have been investigated in respect of their ver...
This paper describes the mechanisms inducing the 2nd breakdown in M.O.S. transistors, Le. when the d...
1a.Usage of LTTs in high voltage switching applications like HVDC and SVC simplifies/avoids the cont...
The properties of the transconductance, at saturation, in short-channel MOSFET's are studied as a fu...
A novel device called self-protected MOS gated thyristor is reported for the first time. This device...
In this paper, a contribution to the study of the performance of the trench power MOSFET's in the lo...
This paper revises the conditions under which the translinear principle can be fully exploited for M...
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la modélisation numérique des transistors MOS avancés en vue d'élabore...
Today's Power Electronics requires semi-conductor devices with better performance, both ir static an...
The IGBT has become the device of choice in many high-voltage-power electronic applications, by virt...
Thyristors are usually three-terminal devices that have four layers of alternating p-type and n-type...
Certain applications for pulse power require narrow, high current pulses for their implementation. T...
This thesis deals with the modelling and evaluation of performance of a new power device, referred t...
Threshold voltage scaling in deep sub-micron CMOS technologies is often dictated by the allowable of...
Threshold voltage scaling in deep sub-micron CMOS technologies is often dictated by the allowable of...
The properties of a new génération of MOS transistors have been investigated in respect of their ver...
This paper describes the mechanisms inducing the 2nd breakdown in M.O.S. transistors, Le. when the d...
1a.Usage of LTTs in high voltage switching applications like HVDC and SVC simplifies/avoids the cont...
The properties of the transconductance, at saturation, in short-channel MOSFET's are studied as a fu...
A novel device called self-protected MOS gated thyristor is reported for the first time. This device...
In this paper, a contribution to the study of the performance of the trench power MOSFET's in the lo...
This paper revises the conditions under which the translinear principle can be fully exploited for M...
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la modélisation numérique des transistors MOS avancés en vue d'élabore...