Rasadniĉka proizvodnja predstavlja poĉetnu fazu u celokupnom prosecu proizvodnje topole koja znaĉajno utiĉe na uspeh podizanja zasada i njihov kasniji razvoj. Jedan od osnovih zadataka rasadniĉke proizvodnje jeste izbor najpogodnije tehnologije pri proizvodnji sadnica odreĊenih klonova topola, kojom je moguće proizvesti maksimalan broj sadnica unapred odreĊenog kvaliteta za potrebe pošumljavanja. U radu je analiziran uticaj gustine sadnje reznica na proizvodnju sadnica tipa 1/1 i 1/2 kod pet klonova iz sekcije Aigeiros i to tri klona ameriĉke crne topole: B-229, 665 i S1-5 (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh) i dva klona evroameriĉke topole: I-214 i M-1 (Populus x euramericana (Dode) Guinier). Istraţivanja su obavljena u rasadniku „Ljutovo―...
In this trial, 14 clones ofPopulus nigra were studied during 2001-2008 in Sanandaj, Kurdistan provin...
The thesis deals with theme of fast-growing species and with the impact of agricultural practices (l...
In this investigation 15 superior poplar clones with closed crown were selected from the first stage...
Rasadniĉka proizvodnja predstavlja poĉetnu fazu u celokupnom prosecu proizvodnje topole koja znaĉajn...
Autochthonous poplar species were neglected during the intense establishment of plantations using va...
Three clones of black poplar and a hybrid poplar clone, “NE-42”, were trialled in a short rotation c...
The aim of the study was to investigate leaf characteristics of 48 poplar (Populus spp.) clones and ...
Tyrime nagrinėjama, hibridinių tuopų ir aplinkos sąveika, kuri gali turėti įtakos hibridinių tuopų d...
The aim of this research was to select the suitable poplar clones among 52 clones at seedling stage,...
Raziskava je bila opravljena na treh vrstah topolov: črnem topolu (Populus nigra L.), belem topolu (...
The purpose of this research was to select the suitable poplar clones at seedling stage among 65 clo...
Growth vigor of 7 poplar clones was researched, i.e. 5 candidate clones for registration (B-81, B-22...
Purpose. To estimate the growth performance of poplar and willows clones on the 2nd vegetation year ...
Two experimental plantations of Euramerican poplar (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) - clone I-2...
The article presents the results which are related to the biomass yield of five poplar clones in the...
In this trial, 14 clones ofPopulus nigra were studied during 2001-2008 in Sanandaj, Kurdistan provin...
The thesis deals with theme of fast-growing species and with the impact of agricultural practices (l...
In this investigation 15 superior poplar clones with closed crown were selected from the first stage...
Rasadniĉka proizvodnja predstavlja poĉetnu fazu u celokupnom prosecu proizvodnje topole koja znaĉajn...
Autochthonous poplar species were neglected during the intense establishment of plantations using va...
Three clones of black poplar and a hybrid poplar clone, “NE-42”, were trialled in a short rotation c...
The aim of the study was to investigate leaf characteristics of 48 poplar (Populus spp.) clones and ...
Tyrime nagrinėjama, hibridinių tuopų ir aplinkos sąveika, kuri gali turėti įtakos hibridinių tuopų d...
The aim of this research was to select the suitable poplar clones among 52 clones at seedling stage,...
Raziskava je bila opravljena na treh vrstah topolov: črnem topolu (Populus nigra L.), belem topolu (...
The purpose of this research was to select the suitable poplar clones at seedling stage among 65 clo...
Growth vigor of 7 poplar clones was researched, i.e. 5 candidate clones for registration (B-81, B-22...
Purpose. To estimate the growth performance of poplar and willows clones on the 2nd vegetation year ...
Two experimental plantations of Euramerican poplar (Populus×euramericana (Dode) Guinier) - clone I-2...
The article presents the results which are related to the biomass yield of five poplar clones in the...
In this trial, 14 clones ofPopulus nigra were studied during 2001-2008 in Sanandaj, Kurdistan provin...
The thesis deals with theme of fast-growing species and with the impact of agricultural practices (l...
In this investigation 15 superior poplar clones with closed crown were selected from the first stage...