La solució a lʼescassetat dʼaigua en moltes conques i regions del món necessita de lʼobtenció de nous recursos addicionals als que es deriven del cicle hídric, quan aquests són insuficients. Per aconseguir-ho són possibles tres actuacions: transvasaments des de conques excedentàries, reutilizació dʼaigües residuals i dessalinització dʼaigües salobres i aigua del mar. En aquest article, després dʼassenyalar els principals avantatges i inconvenients de cada actuació, sʼhi desenvolupen els aspectes més significatius relacionats amb la dessalinització, demostrant la importancia a escala mundial, a Espanya i a la província dʼAlacant en particular. Es descriuen com a exemples il·lustratius xicotetes plantes utilitzades per a solucionar problemes ...
[ANGLÈS] In some parts of the world, drinking water happens to be scarce, unavailable or depending i...
Alicante es una de las provincias con mayor déficit hídrico de España debido a las condiciones climá...
Although desalination water cost and quality standards have been widely studied, less attention has ...
En este trabajo se mencionan inicialmente algunos aspectos relativos a las distintas actuaciones pos...
The world is facing an exponential increase in problems of availability of water suitable for human ...
En España, la desalinización ha cobrado un gran impulso en las dos últimas décadas gracias a la apro...
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the importance of seawater desalination to the supply of fresh ...
The need to find new sources of water due to the climatic conditions of certain areas of Spain, as w...
In this project, a theoretical investigation was made about the techniques that have been developed ...
There have been significant territorial changes in the Spanish Mediterranean in the last few decades...
The seawater, SW, is the mother of all the waters. It absorbs a lot more CO2 than the plants. It con...
While we increasingly turn to desalination as a secure water supply, it is still perceived as an exp...
El litoral de las regiones de Murcia y Valencia ha sufrido grandes transformaciones territoriales du...
In this paper we explore the new orientation taken by Spanish water policy since the beginning of th...
In this paper we explore the new orientation taken by Spanish water policy since the beginning of th...
[ANGLÈS] In some parts of the world, drinking water happens to be scarce, unavailable or depending i...
Alicante es una de las provincias con mayor déficit hídrico de España debido a las condiciones climá...
Although desalination water cost and quality standards have been widely studied, less attention has ...
En este trabajo se mencionan inicialmente algunos aspectos relativos a las distintas actuaciones pos...
The world is facing an exponential increase in problems of availability of water suitable for human ...
En España, la desalinización ha cobrado un gran impulso en las dos últimas décadas gracias a la apro...
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the importance of seawater desalination to the supply of fresh ...
The need to find new sources of water due to the climatic conditions of certain areas of Spain, as w...
In this project, a theoretical investigation was made about the techniques that have been developed ...
There have been significant territorial changes in the Spanish Mediterranean in the last few decades...
The seawater, SW, is the mother of all the waters. It absorbs a lot more CO2 than the plants. It con...
While we increasingly turn to desalination as a secure water supply, it is still perceived as an exp...
El litoral de las regiones de Murcia y Valencia ha sufrido grandes transformaciones territoriales du...
In this paper we explore the new orientation taken by Spanish water policy since the beginning of th...
In this paper we explore the new orientation taken by Spanish water policy since the beginning of th...
[ANGLÈS] In some parts of the world, drinking water happens to be scarce, unavailable or depending i...
Alicante es una de las provincias con mayor déficit hídrico de España debido a las condiciones climá...
Although desalination water cost and quality standards have been widely studied, less attention has ...