Tato bakalářská práce se snaží potvrdit teoretický předpoklad negativního vlivu remittancí na zaměstnanost a pozitivního vlivu na investice v Bulharsku, Rumunsku a Makedonii v letech 1995-2010. K analýze dat jsou využity ekonometrické modely, založené na metodě nejmenších čtverců. Data jsou získána z internetových databází World Bank, International Monetary Fund a Eurostat. Výsledky modelů potvrdili negativní vztah remittancí a zaměstnanosti v Bulharsku a Makedonii. Ve vztahu remittancí a investic potvrdili výsledky modelů tento vztah v Bulharsku a Rumunsku.This bachelor thesis analyzes theoretical assumption that remittance have negative impact on employment and positive impact on investment in Bulgaria, Romania and Macedonia in years 1995...
Ukraine is currently one of the largest exporters of foreign labour force, which among other countri...
During the last two decades, South-East European countries have experienced a large increase in the ...
The core objective of this bachelor thesis is to evaluate the impact caused by remittance flows in t...
Diploma thesis "Remittances and their impact on Eastern Europe" examines the phenomenon of remittanc...
Thesis analyzes problems of labour migration especially from European Union's point of view. Two int...
The remittances or money transfers sent by migrants to the country of origin are considered to be on...
The main purpose of this research is to show the possibilities of maximization of the development im...
Hlavním cílem této práce je popsat vývoj remitentních toků v Moldavsku a jejich změnu v souvislosti ...
The research performed within the paper aims to highlight the importance of labour mobility within t...
In this paper we analyse the effect of remittances on employment performance for Central and East Eu...
This thesis focuses on remittances and their impact on developing countries. First part describes fl...
AbstractRemittances in the world represent one of major international financial resources, which som...
Cílem této bakalářské práce je zjistit, zda existuje vztah mezi ekonomickým vývojem USA a velikostí ...
Hardly any studies have investigated the impact of migrant remittances on economic growth (EG) and i...
The economic stability is the main goal of every country’s administration, contributing to the decre...
Ukraine is currently one of the largest exporters of foreign labour force, which among other countri...
During the last two decades, South-East European countries have experienced a large increase in the ...
The core objective of this bachelor thesis is to evaluate the impact caused by remittance flows in t...
Diploma thesis "Remittances and their impact on Eastern Europe" examines the phenomenon of remittanc...
Thesis analyzes problems of labour migration especially from European Union's point of view. Two int...
The remittances or money transfers sent by migrants to the country of origin are considered to be on...
The main purpose of this research is to show the possibilities of maximization of the development im...
Hlavním cílem této práce je popsat vývoj remitentních toků v Moldavsku a jejich změnu v souvislosti ...
The research performed within the paper aims to highlight the importance of labour mobility within t...
In this paper we analyse the effect of remittances on employment performance for Central and East Eu...
This thesis focuses on remittances and their impact on developing countries. First part describes fl...
AbstractRemittances in the world represent one of major international financial resources, which som...
Cílem této bakalářské práce je zjistit, zda existuje vztah mezi ekonomickým vývojem USA a velikostí ...
Hardly any studies have investigated the impact of migrant remittances on economic growth (EG) and i...
The economic stability is the main goal of every country’s administration, contributing to the decre...
Ukraine is currently one of the largest exporters of foreign labour force, which among other countri...
During the last two decades, South-East European countries have experienced a large increase in the ...
The core objective of this bachelor thesis is to evaluate the impact caused by remittance flows in t...