The aim of this work is to clarify the position of third-country nationals in European Union law in terms of migration and free movement. The first chapter describes the development of European integration and formation of free movement within the European primary law. Great attention is paid to the Schengen acquis. The second chapter provides an overview of the specific directives, which directly concern the right of entry and residence of third country national in EU. The third and also final chapter focuses on the visa policy of the European Union. Individual chapters are interlaced by judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which had a major impact on the interpretation of Community law.Tato práce si kladla za cíl obja...
The integration of third country migrants into society has gained a high importance in the European ... vstupu-a-pobytu-cizin...
Ljudje se običajno zaposlujemo v državi prebivanja. Vedno tesnejša povezanost med posameznimi država...
This master thesis deals with the issue of development of the EU immigration policy and expansion of...
81 The status of third country nationals in the EU - Abstract The thesis deals with the status of th...
This Master‘s thesis presents and analyzes problematic aspects of enforcing the rights of third-coun...
This thesis deals with the legal status of third country nationals in the EU. It focuses on the lega...
Tematem niniejszej pracy są podstawy legalnej imigracji oraz mobilności obywateli państw trzecich w ...
Zaproponowane spektrum praw i możliwości migrantów w ramach polityki integracji Unii Europejskiej mo...
Maģistra darbs pēta problēmas saistībā ar trešo valstu pilsoņu tiesībām saskaņā ar direktīvu 2004/38...
The right of free movement and residence of third country national family members of the European Un...
The goal of this diploma thesis is to define, analyze and evaluate the most relevant areas related t...
The objective of the diploma thesis is to explore how the EU Actorness concept applies on the conver...
in English In her thesis entitled Legal status of foreigners in the Czech legal order from human rig...
Kmalu po vstopu Hrvaške v Evropsko unijo je iz nje, v države pogodbenice Schengenskega sporazuma, že...
The integration of third country migrants into society has gained a high importance in the European ... vstupu-a-pobytu-cizin...
Ljudje se običajno zaposlujemo v državi prebivanja. Vedno tesnejša povezanost med posameznimi država...
This master thesis deals with the issue of development of the EU immigration policy and expansion of...
81 The status of third country nationals in the EU - Abstract The thesis deals with the status of th...
This Master‘s thesis presents and analyzes problematic aspects of enforcing the rights of third-coun...
This thesis deals with the legal status of third country nationals in the EU. It focuses on the lega...
Tematem niniejszej pracy są podstawy legalnej imigracji oraz mobilności obywateli państw trzecich w ...
Zaproponowane spektrum praw i możliwości migrantów w ramach polityki integracji Unii Europejskiej mo...
Maģistra darbs pēta problēmas saistībā ar trešo valstu pilsoņu tiesībām saskaņā ar direktīvu 2004/38...
The right of free movement and residence of third country national family members of the European Un...
The goal of this diploma thesis is to define, analyze and evaluate the most relevant areas related t...
The objective of the diploma thesis is to explore how the EU Actorness concept applies on the conver...
in English In her thesis entitled Legal status of foreigners in the Czech legal order from human rig...
Kmalu po vstopu Hrvaške v Evropsko unijo je iz nje, v države pogodbenice Schengenskega sporazuma, že...
The integration of third country migrants into society has gained a high importance in the European ... vstupu-a-pobytu-cizin...
Ljudje se običajno zaposlujemo v državi prebivanja. Vedno tesnejša povezanost med posameznimi država...