The Master thesis describes comprehensively attributes and operating of arbitration in the Czech Republic which has acquired significance recently. The work is divided into eight chapters. After exordium I make readers acquainted with alternative dispute resolution, e.g. mediation. The third chapter characterizes arbitration and describes history, sources of law, types of arbitration and capability of arbitrator in the Czech Republic. The fourth part deals with the arbitration agreements and their requirements. The fifth chapter is dedicated to its particular stages and revision, recognition and enforcement of the arbitral awards in order to provide the reader an complex overview of the the arbitration proceedings. In the sixth section, the...
Tématem bakalářské práce je mediace a rozhodčí řízení jako způsoby mimosoudního řešení spotřebitelsk...
Diplomová práce se v úvodních kapitolách zabývá historií a současnou právní úpravou rozhodčího řízen...
Predmet ovog diplomsko rada jeste arbitraža kao izvansudski postupak kojim stranke rješavaju svoje s...
The Master thesis describes comprehensively attributes and operating of arbitration in the Czech Rep...
The bachelor thesis deals with legal regulation of arbitration. The main aim of the work is to expla...
The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to characterize the essence of arbitration and to clear up a...
Práce se zabývá systémem rozhodčího řízení a jeho platnou právní úpravou v ČR a USA. Důraz je kladen...
This thesis aims to provide the reader with an overview and understanding of arbitration proceedings...
The theme of this thesis is the institute of arbitration in the Czech Republic. Arbitration is an in...
The theme of this thesis is the arbitration proceedings in the Czech Republic, which is one of the a...
The text deals with some fundamental issues concerning arbitration clauses in consumer contracts and...
Arbitration proceedings The main aim of the thesis is to research arbitration proceedings in the Cze...
Arbitration proceeding in consumer disputes in the Czech Republic and in the Slovak Republic Abstrac...
Arbitration and mediation belong to the popular methods used for the international commercial disput...
The bachelor's thesis deals with the possibility of consumer dispute resolution via arbitration. Fir...
Tématem bakalářské práce je mediace a rozhodčí řízení jako způsoby mimosoudního řešení spotřebitelsk...
Diplomová práce se v úvodních kapitolách zabývá historií a současnou právní úpravou rozhodčího řízen...
Predmet ovog diplomsko rada jeste arbitraža kao izvansudski postupak kojim stranke rješavaju svoje s...
The Master thesis describes comprehensively attributes and operating of arbitration in the Czech Rep...
The bachelor thesis deals with legal regulation of arbitration. The main aim of the work is to expla...
The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to characterize the essence of arbitration and to clear up a...
Práce se zabývá systémem rozhodčího řízení a jeho platnou právní úpravou v ČR a USA. Důraz je kladen...
This thesis aims to provide the reader with an overview and understanding of arbitration proceedings...
The theme of this thesis is the institute of arbitration in the Czech Republic. Arbitration is an in...
The theme of this thesis is the arbitration proceedings in the Czech Republic, which is one of the a...
The text deals with some fundamental issues concerning arbitration clauses in consumer contracts and...
Arbitration proceedings The main aim of the thesis is to research arbitration proceedings in the Cze...
Arbitration proceeding in consumer disputes in the Czech Republic and in the Slovak Republic Abstrac...
Arbitration and mediation belong to the popular methods used for the international commercial disput...
The bachelor's thesis deals with the possibility of consumer dispute resolution via arbitration. Fir...
Tématem bakalářské práce je mediace a rozhodčí řízení jako způsoby mimosoudního řešení spotřebitelsk...
Diplomová práce se v úvodních kapitolách zabývá historií a současnou právní úpravou rozhodčího řízen...
Predmet ovog diplomsko rada jeste arbitraža kao izvansudski postupak kojim stranke rješavaju svoje s...