The master thesis deals with education in the organization belong to public administration. Nowadays education is one of the most important field in every organization and every organization should pay attention it. The goal of the master tehesis is analysis of education needs and charted present situation of aducation system in Employment Office in Jičín. In term of carried out research among employees are suggested solutions of found out problems. It is taken into account ideas of both management of the Employment Office and employees, who are concerned in education courses. The master thesis is devided in three parts. The first part describes theoretical resources relative to education of employees, another part attends to methodology (g...
This graduation thesis deals with the analysis of an educational system and the development of emplo...
The subject of this work will be to describe and evaluate the current education system in the select...
Tématem této diplomové práce je problematika vzdělávání pracovníků ve veřejné správě podle zákona č....
The master thesis deals with education in the organization belong to public administration. Nowadays...
The Master's Thesis deals with the education and development of employees in the company OEZ. The ai...
The aim of the bachelor´s thesis is Education and Development of Employees in Organization. The theo...
The master thesis deals with analysis of education in organization ČEZ Měření, s.r.o.. The goal of t...
Cílem této bakalářské práce je vymezit základní pojmy v oblasti vzdělávání a rozvoje zaměstnanců. Dá...
The thesis looks at education and staff development as one of the main areas of human resources in a...
The main aim of this thesis entitled "Education Needs of Selected Organization" is the analysis of t...
This diploma thesis analyses education and development of employees in selected organization. The ai...
Master thesis deals with education and development system in a specific company. The aim of the thes...
The present diploma thesis entitled ``The System of Employee Education and Development in a selected...
This thesis deals with the corporate education system. The thesis is divided into two parts on the t...
The main objective of this thesis is to analyse the current system of education of employees in a se...
This graduation thesis deals with the analysis of an educational system and the development of emplo...
The subject of this work will be to describe and evaluate the current education system in the select...
Tématem této diplomové práce je problematika vzdělávání pracovníků ve veřejné správě podle zákona č....
The master thesis deals with education in the organization belong to public administration. Nowadays...
The Master's Thesis deals with the education and development of employees in the company OEZ. The ai...
The aim of the bachelor´s thesis is Education and Development of Employees in Organization. The theo...
The master thesis deals with analysis of education in organization ČEZ Měření, s.r.o.. The goal of t...
Cílem této bakalářské práce je vymezit základní pojmy v oblasti vzdělávání a rozvoje zaměstnanců. Dá...
The thesis looks at education and staff development as one of the main areas of human resources in a...
The main aim of this thesis entitled "Education Needs of Selected Organization" is the analysis of t...
This diploma thesis analyses education and development of employees in selected organization. The ai...
Master thesis deals with education and development system in a specific company. The aim of the thes...
The present diploma thesis entitled ``The System of Employee Education and Development in a selected...
This thesis deals with the corporate education system. The thesis is divided into two parts on the t...
The main objective of this thesis is to analyse the current system of education of employees in a se...
This graduation thesis deals with the analysis of an educational system and the development of emplo...
The subject of this work will be to describe and evaluate the current education system in the select...
Tématem této diplomové práce je problematika vzdělávání pracovníků ve veřejné správě podle zákona č....