WORLD FEDERATION FOR CULTURE COLLECTIONS NEWSLETTER December 1996, Number 25 Code Number:NL97002 Sizes of Files: Text: 97K Graphics: Photograph (jpg) - 38.3K WFCC EXECUTIVE BOARD BOARD MEMBERS WFCC COMMITTEES WFCC Reports EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS FOR CULTURE COLLECTIONS-ICCC8 Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 25-29 August 1996 R.A. Samson, J.A. Stalpers, D. van der Mei, A.H. Stouthamer (eds.) 'Culture Collections to Improve the Quality of Life' Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress for Culture Collections, Veldhoven, 25-29 August 1996 {I}published by {/I}Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Baarn, The Netherlands and the World Federation for Culture Collections ----------------------------------------------------------------- WOR...