DISTRIBUSI DAN KELIMPAHAN IKAN KARANG FAMILI POMACENTRIDAE DI PERAIRAN TERUMBU KARANG DESA POOPOH KECAMATAN TOMBARIRI KABUPATEN MINAHASA Distribution and Abundance of Coral Fishes the Family Pomacentridae in Coral Reef Waters Poopoh Village Sub-District Tombariri Minahasa Regency Ari B Rondonuwu1, John L Tombokan1, Unstain NWJ Rembet1  ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the distribution and abundance of reef fish (families Pomacentridae) in coral reef waters of Poopoh village District Tombariri. This study was conducted at 3 stations. Data collected was done using visual census on the 50-meter transect line at 3 meters and 10 meters depths. In addition to revealing the number of species and abundance of individuals Pomacentridae, ...