The performance of clustered microarchitectures relies on steering schemes that try to find the best trade-off between workload balance and inter-cluster communication penalties. In previously proposed clustered processors, reducing communication penalties and balancing the workload are opposite targets, since improving one usually implies a detriment in the other. In this paper we propose a new clustered microarchitecture that can minimize communication penalties without compromising workload balance. The key idea is to arrange the clusters in a ring topology in such a way that results of one cluster can be forwarded to the neighbor cluster with a very short latency. In this way, minimizing communication penalties is favored when the produ...
Clustering is an effective microarchitectural technique for reducing the impact of wire delays, the ...
To harvest increasing levels of ILP while maintaining a fast clock, clustered microarchitectures hav...
Power constraints led to the end of exponential growth in single–processor performance, which charac...
The performance of clustered microarchitectures relies on steering schemes that try to find the best...
The performance of clustered microarchitectures relies on steering schemes that try to find the best...
Clustered microarchitectures are an attractive alternative to large monolithic superscalar designs d...
Clustered microarchitectures are an effective approach to reducing the penalties caused by wire dela...
Journal ArticleClustered microarchitectures are an attractive alternative to large monolithic super...
Clustered microarchitectures are an effective approach to reducing the penalties caused by wire dela...
Clustered microarchitectures are an effective approach to reducing the penalties caused by wire dela...
Clustering is an effective microarchitectural technique for reducing the impact of wire delays, the ...
Clustering is an effective microarchitectural technique for reducing the impact of wire delays, the ...
International audienceDuring the past 10 years, the clock frequency of high-end superscalar processo...
International audienceDuring the past 10 years, the clock frequency of high-end superscalar processo...
Clustering is an effective microarchitectural technique for reducing the impact of wire delays, the ...
Clustering is an effective microarchitectural technique for reducing the impact of wire delays, the ...
To harvest increasing levels of ILP while maintaining a fast clock, clustered microarchitectures hav...
Power constraints led to the end of exponential growth in single–processor performance, which charac...
The performance of clustered microarchitectures relies on steering schemes that try to find the best...
The performance of clustered microarchitectures relies on steering schemes that try to find the best...
Clustered microarchitectures are an attractive alternative to large monolithic superscalar designs d...
Clustered microarchitectures are an effective approach to reducing the penalties caused by wire dela...
Journal ArticleClustered microarchitectures are an attractive alternative to large monolithic super...
Clustered microarchitectures are an effective approach to reducing the penalties caused by wire dela...
Clustered microarchitectures are an effective approach to reducing the penalties caused by wire dela...
Clustering is an effective microarchitectural technique for reducing the impact of wire delays, the ...
Clustering is an effective microarchitectural technique for reducing the impact of wire delays, the ...
International audienceDuring the past 10 years, the clock frequency of high-end superscalar processo...
International audienceDuring the past 10 years, the clock frequency of high-end superscalar processo...
Clustering is an effective microarchitectural technique for reducing the impact of wire delays, the ...
Clustering is an effective microarchitectural technique for reducing the impact of wire delays, the ...
To harvest increasing levels of ILP while maintaining a fast clock, clustered microarchitectures hav...
Power constraints led to the end of exponential growth in single–processor performance, which charac...