Clustered microarchitectures are an effective approach to reducing the penalties caused by wire delays inside a chip. Current superscalar processors have in fact a two-cluster microarchitecture with a naive code partitioning approach: integer instructions are allocated to one cluster and floating-point instructions to the other. This partitioning scheme is simple and results in no communications between the two clusters (just through memory) but it is in general far from optimal because she workload is not evenly distributed most of the time. In fact, when the processor is running integer programs, the workload is extremely unbalanced since the FP cluster is not used at all. In this work we investigate run-time mechanisms that dynamically d...
The performance of clustered microarchitectures relies on steering schemes that try to find the best...
The performance of clustered microarchitectures relies on steering schemes that try to find the best...
Journal ArticleClustered microarchitectures are an attractive alternative to large monolithic super...
Clustered microarchitectures are an effective approach to reducing the penalties caused by wire dela...
Clustered microarchitectures are an effective approach to reducing the penalties caused by wire dela...
Clustered microarchitectures are an effective approach to reducing the penalties caused by wire dela...
Recent works [14] show that delays introduced in the issue and bypass logic will become critical for...
Recent works (1) show that delays introduced in the issue and bypass logic will become critical for ...
In current superscalar processors, all floating-point resources are idle during the execution of int...
Clustered microarchitectures are an attractive alternative to large monolithic superscalar designs d...
This paper presents a novel scheme to schedule loops for clustered microarchitectures. The scheme is...
International audienceDuring the past 10 years, the clock frequency of high-end superscalar processo...
International audienceDuring the past 10 years, the clock frequency of high-end superscalar processo...
This paper presents a novel scheme to schedule loops for clustered microarchitectures. The scheme is...
In current superscalar processors, all floating-point resources are idle during the execution of int...
The performance of clustered microarchitectures relies on steering schemes that try to find the best...
The performance of clustered microarchitectures relies on steering schemes that try to find the best...
Journal ArticleClustered microarchitectures are an attractive alternative to large monolithic super...
Clustered microarchitectures are an effective approach to reducing the penalties caused by wire dela...
Clustered microarchitectures are an effective approach to reducing the penalties caused by wire dela...
Clustered microarchitectures are an effective approach to reducing the penalties caused by wire dela...
Recent works [14] show that delays introduced in the issue and bypass logic will become critical for...
Recent works (1) show that delays introduced in the issue and bypass logic will become critical for ...
In current superscalar processors, all floating-point resources are idle during the execution of int...
Clustered microarchitectures are an attractive alternative to large monolithic superscalar designs d...
This paper presents a novel scheme to schedule loops for clustered microarchitectures. The scheme is...
International audienceDuring the past 10 years, the clock frequency of high-end superscalar processo...
International audienceDuring the past 10 years, the clock frequency of high-end superscalar processo...
This paper presents a novel scheme to schedule loops for clustered microarchitectures. The scheme is...
In current superscalar processors, all floating-point resources are idle during the execution of int...
The performance of clustered microarchitectures relies on steering schemes that try to find the best...
The performance of clustered microarchitectures relies on steering schemes that try to find the best...
Journal ArticleClustered microarchitectures are an attractive alternative to large monolithic super...