Il catalogo è uno strumento indispensabile della biblioteca moderna, il portale tramite il quale pas...
In the information lifecycle, libraries, traditionally, have a tertiary position: they select, media...
The article provides an introduction on the papers presented at the 18th edition of the “Teca Worksh...
This presentation is about innovations in OPAC's interfaces, in information retrival systems and in ...
Presentation about new generation OPACs, integrating features of Web 2.0. After a small theorical e...
Report of the meeting Il web 2.0 e le biblioteche: un incontro possibile?, Turin January 15th 2010 ...
Library catalogs automation and bibliographic data management in electronic format have almost half ...
The paper illustrates the role of OPAC systems in the developing environment of the new technologies...
Will Web 2.0 ever meet library catalogs? The Web is changing: we can define it "web 2.0" or "Social ...
This paper focuses on the movement of online catalogue in the international market with reference to...
Il presente contributo affronta la tematica della selezione e gestione di repertori di risorse inter...
In this article are compared traditional OPAC systems, enriched OPAC, social OPAC and social catalog...
The World Wide Web has deeply changed the services of the libraries, has pull down the “paper librar...
In 1995 the website of a library was almost exclusively its OPAC, while today it is considered more ...
Le Visual...Catalog se présente comme un système de recherches d’informations bibliographiques (OPAC...
Il catalogo è uno strumento indispensabile della biblioteca moderna, il portale tramite il quale pas...
In the information lifecycle, libraries, traditionally, have a tertiary position: they select, media...
The article provides an introduction on the papers presented at the 18th edition of the “Teca Worksh...
This presentation is about innovations in OPAC's interfaces, in information retrival systems and in ...
Presentation about new generation OPACs, integrating features of Web 2.0. After a small theorical e...
Report of the meeting Il web 2.0 e le biblioteche: un incontro possibile?, Turin January 15th 2010 ...
Library catalogs automation and bibliographic data management in electronic format have almost half ...
The paper illustrates the role of OPAC systems in the developing environment of the new technologies...
Will Web 2.0 ever meet library catalogs? The Web is changing: we can define it "web 2.0" or "Social ...
This paper focuses on the movement of online catalogue in the international market with reference to...
Il presente contributo affronta la tematica della selezione e gestione di repertori di risorse inter...
In this article are compared traditional OPAC systems, enriched OPAC, social OPAC and social catalog...
The World Wide Web has deeply changed the services of the libraries, has pull down the “paper librar...
In 1995 the website of a library was almost exclusively its OPAC, while today it is considered more ...
Le Visual...Catalog se présente comme un système de recherches d’informations bibliographiques (OPAC...
Il catalogo è uno strumento indispensabile della biblioteca moderna, il portale tramite il quale pas...
In the information lifecycle, libraries, traditionally, have a tertiary position: they select, media...
The article provides an introduction on the papers presented at the 18th edition of the “Teca Worksh...