PG Jombang Baru adalah salah satu perusahaan pertanian yang menghasilkan produk gula. Proses produksi menghasilkan beberapa limbah yang memerlukan perawatan lebih lanjut agar tidak mencemari lingkungan sekitar perusahaan. Terdapat beberapa dampak negatif dalam kegiatan operasional industri gula. Dampak negatif dari industri gula dalam bentuk polusi udara, limbah cair dan kebisingan. Dampak negatif ini dapat mengurangi tingkat kesehatan masyarakat jika tidak dikelola dengan baik sehingga perlu penanganan lebih lanjut untuk mengatasi hal tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PG Jombang Baru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana tanggung jawab perusahaan dari perusahaan. Bagaimana pengelolaan limbah di PG Jombang Baru. Bagaima...
ABSTRACT Afriani, Siska. 2018. Environmental Accounting as a Form of Social Responsibility at PT. P...
Calculation of costs in waste handling is indispensable, the existence of systematic environmental a...
Environmental pollution in Indonesia has reached the stage of worrying . Environment is increasingly...
This study aims to determine environmental accounting for waste management as a form of social CSR r...
Analysis results obtained that the company has not been specifically prepared a report on environme...
Environmental accounting is part of CSR that can not be separated. The responsibility of a company, ...
Environmental accounting is used to identify hidden costs and improve industrial performance in the ...
The establishment of an Eco-Friendly industry reuires high cost. Industries lately still ignorant ab...
: an Analysis of the Government's Role to Overcome the Problem of Industrial Waste in Tjoekir Sugar ...
Peningkatan produksi gula berarti meningkat juga limbah hasil dari produzis gula. Limbah yang dihasi...
This research was motivated by the existence of several problems related to the rapid growth of the ...
Environmental costs incurred from the company's activities in order to maintain the environment is o...
This research was motivated by the existence of several problems related to the rapid growth of the ...
Peningkatan produksi gula berarti meningkat juga limbah hasil dari produksi gula. Limbah yang dihasi...
The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of waste management and environmental cos...
ABSTRACT Afriani, Siska. 2018. Environmental Accounting as a Form of Social Responsibility at PT. P...
Calculation of costs in waste handling is indispensable, the existence of systematic environmental a...
Environmental pollution in Indonesia has reached the stage of worrying . Environment is increasingly...
This study aims to determine environmental accounting for waste management as a form of social CSR r...
Analysis results obtained that the company has not been specifically prepared a report on environme...
Environmental accounting is part of CSR that can not be separated. The responsibility of a company, ...
Environmental accounting is used to identify hidden costs and improve industrial performance in the ...
The establishment of an Eco-Friendly industry reuires high cost. Industries lately still ignorant ab...
: an Analysis of the Government's Role to Overcome the Problem of Industrial Waste in Tjoekir Sugar ...
Peningkatan produksi gula berarti meningkat juga limbah hasil dari produzis gula. Limbah yang dihasi...
This research was motivated by the existence of several problems related to the rapid growth of the ...
Environmental costs incurred from the company's activities in order to maintain the environment is o...
This research was motivated by the existence of several problems related to the rapid growth of the ...
Peningkatan produksi gula berarti meningkat juga limbah hasil dari produksi gula. Limbah yang dihasi...
The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of waste management and environmental cos...
ABSTRACT Afriani, Siska. 2018. Environmental Accounting as a Form of Social Responsibility at PT. P...
Calculation of costs in waste handling is indispensable, the existence of systematic environmental a...
Environmental pollution in Indonesia has reached the stage of worrying . Environment is increasingly...