In connection to new share issues it is common that the issuer finds a guarantor, which is willing to secure the new issue. In exchange for a payment, either in cash or in shares, the guarantor commits to subscribe a certain amount of shares, provided that others are not subscribing all shares. Considered that the subscription is a regulated act of law with forms prescribed by law, and not subject to the freedom of contract, it has long been doubtful whether the agreement is legally binding. The essay intends to define how a guarantee of this kind is regulated in Swedish law, in light of the formal requirement for share subscription. The research is being done from a perspective of law and economics, trying to answer if the regulation effec...
A frequently discussed topic among Swedish legal scholars is the Swedish system concerning perfectio...
On the 1st of January 2014, new legislation was introduced on taxation of shareholders in close comp...
I uppsatsen behandlas konkurrensklausuler i aktieägaravtal och anställningsavtal i sambandmed företa...
Conducting a new share issue is a common way to attract new funds to a joint-stock company in need o...
Ett av de vanligaste sätten att bedriva näringsverksamhet i Sverige är genom att bilda ett aktiebola...
Aktieteckning ska enligt ABL ske på en särskild teckningslista, och en aktieteckning som avviker frå...
The essay deals with the breakthrough of the limited liability of a shareholder in a Swedish and Nor...
The matter of shareholder rights has since long been a topic of conversation within the European Uni...
In the Swedish limited company act chapter 21 section 5 (Aktiebolagslag 2005:551) there is a prohibi...
In 2006, the new Swedish Companies Act entered into force, allowing shareholders to include consent ...
According to the Government of Sweden, limited companies are the most advantageous form of company. ...
The climate change is one of the biggest challenges that the world is facing today. Largely the glob...
Ordet lojalitet är ett vitt förekommande begrepp som används vid beskrivning av hur olika parter ska...
Bestämmelsen om tvångsinlösen i 22 kap. 1 § ABL är tvingande, vilket innebär att avsteg från vad som...
Neutralitetsprincipen är en av de mest grundläggande byggstenarna inom den svenska skattelagstiftnin...
A frequently discussed topic among Swedish legal scholars is the Swedish system concerning perfectio...
On the 1st of January 2014, new legislation was introduced on taxation of shareholders in close comp...
I uppsatsen behandlas konkurrensklausuler i aktieägaravtal och anställningsavtal i sambandmed företa...
Conducting a new share issue is a common way to attract new funds to a joint-stock company in need o...
Ett av de vanligaste sätten att bedriva näringsverksamhet i Sverige är genom att bilda ett aktiebola...
Aktieteckning ska enligt ABL ske på en särskild teckningslista, och en aktieteckning som avviker frå...
The essay deals with the breakthrough of the limited liability of a shareholder in a Swedish and Nor...
The matter of shareholder rights has since long been a topic of conversation within the European Uni...
In the Swedish limited company act chapter 21 section 5 (Aktiebolagslag 2005:551) there is a prohibi...
In 2006, the new Swedish Companies Act entered into force, allowing shareholders to include consent ...
According to the Government of Sweden, limited companies are the most advantageous form of company. ...
The climate change is one of the biggest challenges that the world is facing today. Largely the glob...
Ordet lojalitet är ett vitt förekommande begrepp som används vid beskrivning av hur olika parter ska...
Bestämmelsen om tvångsinlösen i 22 kap. 1 § ABL är tvingande, vilket innebär att avsteg från vad som...
Neutralitetsprincipen är en av de mest grundläggande byggstenarna inom den svenska skattelagstiftnin...
A frequently discussed topic among Swedish legal scholars is the Swedish system concerning perfectio...
On the 1st of January 2014, new legislation was introduced on taxation of shareholders in close comp...
I uppsatsen behandlas konkurrensklausuler i aktieägaravtal och anställningsavtal i sambandmed företa...