Banyak petani lahan cetak sawah baru di Kabupaten Bangka membiarkan lahan mereka kosong. Petani memilih untuk melakukan kegiatan pertanian lain atau kegiatan penambangan daripada budidaya padi. Luas sawah irigasi baru di Kabupaten Bangka saat ini 2.200 hektar. Pencetakan sawah baru bertujuan untuk meningkatkan produksi beras. Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) Mengetahui kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman yang dihadapi petani dalam budidaya padi di desa Kimak, (2) Strategi alternatif untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat untuk meningkatkan pendapatan petani. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juli-November 2019. Strategi pemberdayaan masyarakat yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah penerapan konsep LEISA. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggu...
Kumpeh Ulu subdistrict is one of the centers of rice production in Muaro Jambi district that follows...
Food, especially rice, is a basic human ingredient whose needs increase following thepopulation grow...
Local government created programs to develop the agricultural sector. The region which experienced i...
Many newly irrigated rice field farmers in Bangka district leave their land empty. Farmers choose to...
The lowland rice farming sector is used as a source of accelerated growth in the agricultural sector...
The purpose of this research was to find out information about social economic condition of rice far...
This studied to examine about: The status of land ownership of rice farmers, the average land area o...
This research aims to (1) describe the cultivation of the Anak Daro variety of rice in Nagari Cupak,...
Rice is one of food crop commodities with the highest production yields in Karawang Regency, which c...
This study aims to determine the role of government in the empowerment of rice farmers and the deter...
New rice fields are one of the solutions to increase food availability in Bangka Regency. This study...
One strategy to achieve food sovereignty, especially rice, can be achieved through seed and seed rev...
The strategy to increase rice production to support national food security is realized through a ric...
EnglishFor years ahead, the growth of productivity (yield) will become the major source of rice prod...
This research will be based in the background by the displacement of the rice field in Padangguni Ut...
Kumpeh Ulu subdistrict is one of the centers of rice production in Muaro Jambi district that follows...
Food, especially rice, is a basic human ingredient whose needs increase following thepopulation grow...
Local government created programs to develop the agricultural sector. The region which experienced i...
Many newly irrigated rice field farmers in Bangka district leave their land empty. Farmers choose to...
The lowland rice farming sector is used as a source of accelerated growth in the agricultural sector...
The purpose of this research was to find out information about social economic condition of rice far...
This studied to examine about: The status of land ownership of rice farmers, the average land area o...
This research aims to (1) describe the cultivation of the Anak Daro variety of rice in Nagari Cupak,...
Rice is one of food crop commodities with the highest production yields in Karawang Regency, which c...
This study aims to determine the role of government in the empowerment of rice farmers and the deter...
New rice fields are one of the solutions to increase food availability in Bangka Regency. This study...
One strategy to achieve food sovereignty, especially rice, can be achieved through seed and seed rev...
The strategy to increase rice production to support national food security is realized through a ric...
EnglishFor years ahead, the growth of productivity (yield) will become the major source of rice prod...
This research will be based in the background by the displacement of the rice field in Padangguni Ut...
Kumpeh Ulu subdistrict is one of the centers of rice production in Muaro Jambi district that follows...
Food, especially rice, is a basic human ingredient whose needs increase following thepopulation grow...
Local government created programs to develop the agricultural sector. The region which experienced i...