Ind\u27 Sep\u27 27th 1866Dear Dan I recd\u27 your letter today & was glad to hear that you were well and busy I thank you for those ferns the two which I return are new - the larger is [Aspidun?] [Goldianerm?], the other is a species of [Asplenium not?] descri[illegible] Gray, please send me large & well pressed specimens of both and of as many of them rare & new ones as you can find If you cannot send them very well keep them till I come I recd a beautiful [illegible] & friendly letter from Mrs Carr lately. Mary wrote me a letter in good verse Father eats only one meal a day now.I came near quarreling with Mr Osgood lately and may possibly leave them though they aresend one as large a piece of A. Goldranum as possible in your next fold in...