The hot arid region covers an area of 31.70 million hectares in India, covering seven states that include Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra. The arid region in Gujarat is distributed in eight districts namely, Kachchh (100% of the district area), Jamnagar (80%), Surenderanagar (29%), Junagadh (20%), Banaskantha (18%), Mehsana (7%), Ahmadabad (6%) and Rajkot (6%). Gujarat accounts for 19.6% of the total arid zone in the country of which Kachchh district alone accounts for more than 70% arid area of the state (Shamsudheen et al., 2009). Under the conditions of low and erratic precipitation, high evapotranspiration and poor soil physical and fertility conditions, grasses and trees form the major veg...