Akashic Books continues its groundbreaking series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with Brooklyn Noir. Each story is set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the geographic area of the book. Brand-new stories by: Ace Atkins, William Boyle, Megan Abbott, Jack Pendarvis, Dominiqua Dickey, Michael Kardos, Jamie Paige, Jimmy Cajoleas, Chris Offutt, Michael Farris Smith, Andrew Paul, Lee Durkee, Robert Busby, John M. Floyd, RaShell R. Smith-Spears, and Mary Miller. From the introduction by Tom Franklin: “Welcome to Mississippi, where a recent poll shows we have the most corrupt government in the United States. Where we are first in infant mortality, childhood obesity, childhood diabetes, teenage pregnancy, adult obesity, a...
Inspired by the outcasts, outlaws, and other outré inhabitants of rock legend Lou Reed’s songbook, D...
Since the end of World War II, the South has experienced a greater awareness of growth and of its ac...
By John Grisham Doubleday (Hardcover, $24.00, ISBN: 0-385-53245-8, 11/2009; Trade paperback, $15.00,...
Akashic Books continues its groundbreaking series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 wit...
Akashic Books continues its award-winning series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with...
The mean streets that tough, trench-coated detectives travel are so often associated with urban sett...
By Patti Carr Black and Marion Barnwell University Press of Mississippi (Paperback, $20.00, ISBN: 15...
Something about the South has inspired the imaginations of an extraordinary number of America’s best...
Of the many new first collections of Southern short stories published during the last few years, six...
The endgame is at hand for Penn Cage, his family, and the enemies bent on destroying them in this re...
Magnolia Star Route is a collection of short fiction named for a road that connects the town of Nede...
Edited by Jim Dees Jefferson Press (Paperback, $16.95, ISBN: 0971897417, 9/2003) An anthology of sto...
Megan Abbott is the Edgar-winning author of the novels Die a Little, Bury Me Deep, The End of Everyt...
Down East Bookshelf piece on new books by Maine\u27s two resident Pulitzer Prize-winning novelists:...
Tucker Carrington, director of the Mississippi Innocence Project at the Ole Miss law school discusse...
Inspired by the outcasts, outlaws, and other outré inhabitants of rock legend Lou Reed’s songbook, D...
Since the end of World War II, the South has experienced a greater awareness of growth and of its ac...
By John Grisham Doubleday (Hardcover, $24.00, ISBN: 0-385-53245-8, 11/2009; Trade paperback, $15.00,...
Akashic Books continues its groundbreaking series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 wit...
Akashic Books continues its award-winning series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with...
The mean streets that tough, trench-coated detectives travel are so often associated with urban sett...
By Patti Carr Black and Marion Barnwell University Press of Mississippi (Paperback, $20.00, ISBN: 15...
Something about the South has inspired the imaginations of an extraordinary number of America’s best...
Of the many new first collections of Southern short stories published during the last few years, six...
The endgame is at hand for Penn Cage, his family, and the enemies bent on destroying them in this re...
Magnolia Star Route is a collection of short fiction named for a road that connects the town of Nede...
Edited by Jim Dees Jefferson Press (Paperback, $16.95, ISBN: 0971897417, 9/2003) An anthology of sto...
Megan Abbott is the Edgar-winning author of the novels Die a Little, Bury Me Deep, The End of Everyt...
Down East Bookshelf piece on new books by Maine\u27s two resident Pulitzer Prize-winning novelists:...
Tucker Carrington, director of the Mississippi Innocence Project at the Ole Miss law school discusse...
Inspired by the outcasts, outlaws, and other outré inhabitants of rock legend Lou Reed’s songbook, D...
Since the end of World War II, the South has experienced a greater awareness of growth and of its ac...
By John Grisham Doubleday (Hardcover, $24.00, ISBN: 0-385-53245-8, 11/2009; Trade paperback, $15.00,...