Mary\u27s love for the poor ploughboy, William
Joy of returning to England
A man attracts attention while vacationing and shopping.
Peter Snout\u27s night without a shirt
Courtship of Rory O\u27More and Kathleen Bawn
Verses from the Book of Matthew
The Carol God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Song warning against philandering
Returning home from battle
Mary\u27s love for the poor ploughboy, William
Joy of returning to England
A man attracts attention while vacationing and shopping.
Peter Snout\u27s night without a shirt
Courtship of Rory O\u27More and Kathleen Bawn
Verses from the Book of Matthew
The Carol God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Song warning against philandering
Returning home from battle
Mary\u27s love for the poor ploughboy, William
Joy of returning to England
A man attracts attention while vacationing and shopping.