A science class in progress. Handwritten below photograph: Skeleton Crew. [Full page images can be found in Box 1 scrapbook, also in this image gallery.]https://egrove.olemiss.edu/cofield/1149/thumbnail.jp
Photograph of students working in a laboratory, note on back reads ""1961 Class in Composition Avg."
Black and white photograph of students working in a science laboratoryhttps://digitalcommons.cedarvi...
This black and white photograph features a class posing on rocks at a quarry.https://scholars.fhsu.e...
A science class in progress. Handwritten below photograph: Skeleton Crew. [Full page images can be f...
Four men in labcoats around a skeleton. Handwritten below photograph: Monkey Business among th\u27 M...
A science class full of students working.https://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/john_foster_photos/2584/thum...
Science Classhttps://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/gfu_photos_1975_1979/1008/thumbnail.jp
Three students in engineering class. Handwritten below photograph: Would Be Engineers. [Full page im...
A female student examines a skeleton during science class. Photograph taken for use in the Western O...
Photograph of School of Science - Biological Sciences; Oct 6, 1954;College of SciencePhysic
Men studying. Handwritten below photograph: Young Docs. [Full page images can be found in Box 1 scra...
Eight Veterinary students in a class room examining animal skeletons; writing on chalk board "1st Cl...
A view of students attending a science class at Wright State University.https://corescholar.librarie...
Photograph of several students working at biology desks at Springfield College. They students are lo...
Photograph of students working in a laboratory, note on back reads ""1961 Class in Composition Avg."
Black and white photograph of students working in a science laboratoryhttps://digitalcommons.cedarvi...
This black and white photograph features a class posing on rocks at a quarry.https://scholars.fhsu.e...
A science class in progress. Handwritten below photograph: Skeleton Crew. [Full page images can be f...
Four men in labcoats around a skeleton. Handwritten below photograph: Monkey Business among th\u27 M...
A science class full of students working.https://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/john_foster_photos/2584/thum...
Science Classhttps://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/gfu_photos_1975_1979/1008/thumbnail.jp
Three students in engineering class. Handwritten below photograph: Would Be Engineers. [Full page im...
A female student examines a skeleton during science class. Photograph taken for use in the Western O...
Photograph of School of Science - Biological Sciences; Oct 6, 1954;College of SciencePhysic
Men studying. Handwritten below photograph: Young Docs. [Full page images can be found in Box 1 scra...
Eight Veterinary students in a class room examining animal skeletons; writing on chalk board "1st Cl...
A view of students attending a science class at Wright State University.https://corescholar.librarie...
Photograph of several students working at biology desks at Springfield College. They students are lo...
Photograph of students working in a laboratory, note on back reads ""1961 Class in Composition Avg."
Black and white photograph of students working in a science laboratoryhttps://digitalcommons.cedarvi...
This black and white photograph features a class posing on rocks at a quarry.https://scholars.fhsu.e...