Books reviewed are: Tito Antoni, I Costi Industriali di Una Azienda Conciaria della Fine del Trecento, 1384-1388 Reviewed by Alvaro Martinelli; Horace Lucian Arnold (Henry Roland), The Complete Cost-Keeper, 3rd ed. Reviewed by G. Stevenson Smith; Andrew Barr and Kenneth W. Perry, Editors, Written Contributions of Selected Accounting Practitioners Volume 3: Andrew Barr Reviewed by Martin Benis; Victor Z. Brink, Foundations for Unlimited Horizons?? Institute of Internal Auditors 1947-1976 Reviewed by H. V. Vasudeva Rao; Alfred DuPont Chandler, Jr., The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business Reviewed by Mary McKinney Schweitzer; A Chartered Accountant, The Etiquette of The Accountancy Profession and The Ethical Problems o...