Digitālais stāstījums apvieno tradicionālo mutvārdu stāstīšanas mākslu ar tehnoloģijām, kas ir pieejamas 21. gadsimta klasē. Spēja efektīvi komunicēt ir viena no vissvarīgākajām dzīves iemaņām. Viena no efektīvākajām mācību metodēm ir iztēles un vizualizācijas izmantošana jaunas informācijas nodošanai. Tāpēc mūsdienu “digitālās” pasaules rīki ir tikai paplašinājuši metodes iespējas. Diplomdarba autore veica gadījuma izpēti Rīgas vidusskolā no 2019. gada septembra līdz novembrim. 10 skolēni piedalījās pētījumā un veidoja animētus video ar balss ierakstīšanu runāšanas prasmju attīstīšanai. Tika izmantotas šādas datu vākšanas metodes: runāšanas tests, vērtēšanas lapas un anketa. Pētījuma rezultāti nav pierādījuši, ka digitālā stāstīšanas pie...
Digital storytelling is a method that combines the art of storytelling with digital media in various...
Dijital hikayeleme, geçmişi yüzyıllara dayanan hikâye anlatımı ile çoklu ortam araçları birleştirile...
This research is to find out the influence of using digital storytelling and motivation on speaking ...
This research was conducted in order to improve students’ speaking skill by using digital storytel...
2011年度~2013年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書学習者が自分自身へ宛てた手紙をデジタルストーリーテリング(digital storytelling、略称「DST」)で表現する...
Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat,...
In 21st century, a huge change happens in which students prefer to learn by using digital technology...
Abstract The aim of this research is to determine whether using d...
Today’s technology-suffused society is inevitably changing and transforming the learning process as ...
AbstractResearch studies have discovered that digital storytelling which combines the art of storyte...
This study aimed to identify whether digital storytelling can enhance students' speaking ability in ...
ABSTRAK In the world of technology literacy, people’s need for communication skill is to be able t...
Diplomdarba mērķis ir izpētīt kā stāsti var tikt izmantoti kā metodisks paņēmiens sākumskolas vecuma...
Digital Storytelling media is a powerful technology tool in education which integrates technologies ...
Diplomsko delo predstavlja tematiko digitalnega pripovedovanja zgodb, osredotočeno pa je na osnovnoš...
Digital storytelling is a method that combines the art of storytelling with digital media in various...
Dijital hikayeleme, geçmişi yüzyıllara dayanan hikâye anlatımı ile çoklu ortam araçları birleştirile...
This research is to find out the influence of using digital storytelling and motivation on speaking ...
This research was conducted in order to improve students’ speaking skill by using digital storytel...
2011年度~2013年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書学習者が自分自身へ宛てた手紙をデジタルストーリーテリング(digital storytelling、略称「DST」)で表現する...
Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat,...
In 21st century, a huge change happens in which students prefer to learn by using digital technology...
Abstract The aim of this research is to determine whether using d...
Today’s technology-suffused society is inevitably changing and transforming the learning process as ...
AbstractResearch studies have discovered that digital storytelling which combines the art of storyte...
This study aimed to identify whether digital storytelling can enhance students' speaking ability in ...
ABSTRAK In the world of technology literacy, people’s need for communication skill is to be able t...
Diplomdarba mērķis ir izpētīt kā stāsti var tikt izmantoti kā metodisks paņēmiens sākumskolas vecuma...
Digital Storytelling media is a powerful technology tool in education which integrates technologies ...
Diplomsko delo predstavlja tematiko digitalnega pripovedovanja zgodb, osredotočeno pa je na osnovnoš...
Digital storytelling is a method that combines the art of storytelling with digital media in various...
Dijital hikayeleme, geçmişi yüzyıllara dayanan hikâye anlatımı ile çoklu ortam araçları birleştirile...
This research is to find out the influence of using digital storytelling and motivation on speaking ...