2011年度~2013年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書学習者が自分自身へ宛てた手紙をデジタルストーリーテリング(digital storytelling、略称「DST」)で表現する授業設計及び実践にとり組んだ。具体的に、大学生を対象とした実践は三重大学教育学部授業で、中学生対象の実践は三重県志摩市立浜島中学校で行われた。学習者が授業でDST制作にとり組んだ感想を質的分析し、授業デザインのためのコメントをカテゴリー化した。さらに、授業実践を通じて、手紙形式のDSTは人に伝える言語活動を充実するために有効であり、「自分への手紙」をテーマに設定することが学習者自身の生き方を内省することにつながることが明らかになった。In this project learners create digital stories that they send a letter to past or future themselves. After designing how digital storytelling is used in college and middle schools, college students created digital stories on the theme ""A letter to future/past myself"" at Mie Univ.. Also middle students produced digital stories on various themes at Hamajima middle school in Shima city. The comments by the students were analyze...
ABSTRAK In the world of technology literacy, people’s need for communication skill is to be able t...
In 21st century, a huge change happens in which students prefer to learn by using digital technology...
Today’s technology-suffused society is inevitably changing and transforming the learning process as ...
With the advent of modern computer equipment in schools, new teaching methods began to emerge that a...
Digitālais stāstījums apvieno tradicionālo mutvārdu stāstīšanas mākslu ar tehnoloģijām, kas ir pieej...
[[abstract]]MarcPrensky在2001年提出的數位原生的概念,係指在科技充斥的環境下出生的人。數位原生認為科技是生活中不可或缺的一部分,電腦是他們學習的母語。 由於電腦科技的進步,數...
Статья поступила в редакцию 14.01.2019 г.Обосновывается актуальность сторителлинга в сфере массовых ...
Storytelling method is an inevitable part of English Language classes. Stories are always an inspiri...
Dijital hikayeleme, geçmişi yüzyıllara dayanan hikâye anlatımı ile çoklu ortam araçları birleştirile...
In the context of globalization has acquired a new form and new breathing, which actively used in te...
Dijital hikayeleme, geçmişi yüzyıllara dayanan hikâye anlatımı ile çoklu ortam araçları birleştirile...
在互動敘事(Interactive Storytelling)的應用中,適當的攝影機規劃能幫助我們呈現虛擬世界中所發生的故事。在本研究中,我們設計了一個可以讓使用者設計互動敘事的應用平台-IMStor...
Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat,...
The guiding question addressed in this project is how can we improve language skills through digital...
ABSTRAK In the world of technology literacy, people’s need for communication skill is to be able t...
In 21st century, a huge change happens in which students prefer to learn by using digital technology...
Today’s technology-suffused society is inevitably changing and transforming the learning process as ...
With the advent of modern computer equipment in schools, new teaching methods began to emerge that a...
Digitālais stāstījums apvieno tradicionālo mutvārdu stāstīšanas mākslu ar tehnoloģijām, kas ir pieej...
[[abstract]]MarcPrensky在2001年提出的數位原生的概念,係指在科技充斥的環境下出生的人。數位原生認為科技是生活中不可或缺的一部分,電腦是他們學習的母語。 由於電腦科技的進步,數...
Статья поступила в редакцию 14.01.2019 г.Обосновывается актуальность сторителлинга в сфере массовых ...
Storytelling method is an inevitable part of English Language classes. Stories are always an inspiri...
Dijital hikayeleme, geçmişi yüzyıllara dayanan hikâye anlatımı ile çoklu ortam araçları birleştirile...
In the context of globalization has acquired a new form and new breathing, which actively used in te...
Dijital hikayeleme, geçmişi yüzyıllara dayanan hikâye anlatımı ile çoklu ortam araçları birleştirile...
在互動敘事(Interactive Storytelling)的應用中,適當的攝影機規劃能幫助我們呈現虛擬世界中所發生的故事。在本研究中,我們設計了一個可以讓使用者設計互動敘事的應用平台-IMStor...
Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat,...
The guiding question addressed in this project is how can we improve language skills through digital...
ABSTRAK In the world of technology literacy, people’s need for communication skill is to be able t...
In 21st century, a huge change happens in which students prefer to learn by using digital technology...
Today’s technology-suffused society is inevitably changing and transforming the learning process as ...