A widespread consensus for an easier access to bank credit for SMEs to quicken the recovery could lead to overlook risks, for banks as well as for economies, of financing projects that do not fit the structural adjustments in the world economy caused by the international crisis. Sustainable lending policies for both firms and banks require an investment in a more comprehensive soft information. Only firms can produce credible business plans; the assessment by banks’ experts in industrial organization as well as finance should integrate the regulatory quantitative risk measurement models. Policy makers’ initiatives to further credit access for SMEs, including central banks’ non conventional measures, should be evaluated within this framewor
La problematica dell’accesso al credito si inscrive nel più ampio quadro dell’esclusione bancaria e ...
The SME sector in Italy was hit hard by the global recession of 2008-09, as the whole Italian econom...
Il presente articolo mira a descrivere le principali novità intercorse negli anni recenti nella rego...
A widespread consensus for an easier access to bank credit for SMEs to quicken the recovery could le...
Sustainable lending policies require soft information on the structural changes in value chains cau...
Le PMI italiane ed europee si caratterizzano per una strutturale dipendenza dal credito bancario e u...
This paper focuses on the perspective role of Mutual Loan-Guarantee Consortia (MLGC) in mitigating c...
Le misure introdotte per fronteggiare alcuni degli effetti (sul piano economico) della crisi innesta...
The paper analyzes the relationships between mutual loan-guarantee societies (MLGS), small firms and...
Scopo del contributo è individuare alcuni interventi normativi in ambito finanziario, indirizzati ve...
The article has the purpose to illustrate the financing of SME occurred in the main European countri...
In queste pagine tratteremo i differenti approcci normativi e di regolamentazione che le autorità ha...
The decree for the “Development” (d.l. June 22, 2012, n. 83) has outlined a new and uniform rules fo...
By the introduction of a specific provision of microcredit within Title V of the Consolidated Bankin...
La valorizzazione degli asset intangibili rappresenta un fattore critico per l’accesso ai finanziame...
La problematica dell’accesso al credito si inscrive nel più ampio quadro dell’esclusione bancaria e ...
The SME sector in Italy was hit hard by the global recession of 2008-09, as the whole Italian econom...
Il presente articolo mira a descrivere le principali novità intercorse negli anni recenti nella rego...
A widespread consensus for an easier access to bank credit for SMEs to quicken the recovery could le...
Sustainable lending policies require soft information on the structural changes in value chains cau...
Le PMI italiane ed europee si caratterizzano per una strutturale dipendenza dal credito bancario e u...
This paper focuses on the perspective role of Mutual Loan-Guarantee Consortia (MLGC) in mitigating c...
Le misure introdotte per fronteggiare alcuni degli effetti (sul piano economico) della crisi innesta...
The paper analyzes the relationships between mutual loan-guarantee societies (MLGS), small firms and...
Scopo del contributo è individuare alcuni interventi normativi in ambito finanziario, indirizzati ve...
The article has the purpose to illustrate the financing of SME occurred in the main European countri...
In queste pagine tratteremo i differenti approcci normativi e di regolamentazione che le autorità ha...
The decree for the “Development” (d.l. June 22, 2012, n. 83) has outlined a new and uniform rules fo...
By the introduction of a specific provision of microcredit within Title V of the Consolidated Bankin...
La valorizzazione degli asset intangibili rappresenta un fattore critico per l’accesso ai finanziame...
La problematica dell’accesso al credito si inscrive nel più ampio quadro dell’esclusione bancaria e ...
The SME sector in Italy was hit hard by the global recession of 2008-09, as the whole Italian econom...
Il presente articolo mira a descrivere le principali novità intercorse negli anni recenti nella rego...