Skripsi ini membahas jenis kohesi leksikal yang di temukan dalam teks berita koran online The Jakarta Post dan The Jakarta Globe. Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini untuk menganalisis jenis kohesi leksikal yang digunakan dalam teks berita tersebut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara, penulis membaca teks terlebih dahulu, kemudian penulis memberi tanda pada kalimat atau paragraf yang di temukan kohesi leksikalnya. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori kohesi yang dikemukakan oleh Halliday (2014). Berdasarkan hasil analisis, pada teks pertama The Jakarta Post ditemukan 33 butir pengulangan, 6 butir kolokasi, 2 butir hiponimi, 2 butir sinonim, dan 1 butir meronimi. Sedangkan pada teks kedua The Jakarta Post ditemukan 58 butir pengulangan, 3 b...
Tulisan ini mencoba mengungkapkan pemanfaatan teks-teks berbahasa Inggris guna membantu pembelajar B...
INDONESIA: Penelitian ini berfokus pada jenis dan perbedaan perangkat kohesif yang digunakan pada...
The objective of this research is to know the kinds of cohesive devices which applied in seven texts...
This research is about lexical cohesion (repetition, synonym, antonym, hyponym, collocation). This s...
This thesis discussed about the analysis of lexical cohesion in National column in the Jakarta Post ...
ABSTRACT The researcher conducted the study entitled “An analysis of lexical cohesion in Op-Ed arti...
To make the reader understand what the writer means, the writer should compose a well form of the te...
The study is about describing the lexical and grammatical cohesions which are used in the main arti...
The study is about describing the lexical and grammatical cohesions which are used in the main arti...
The study was conducted to analyze, to find out and to describe the types and the dominant device of...
Discourse analysis is the study about language in use in which it shows how the sentences are relate...
This study is aimed at describing discourse studies especially at cohesion from reader’s opinion str...
This study is aimed at describing discourse studies especially at cohesion from reader's opinion str...
Tulisan ini mencoba mengungkapkan pemanfaatan teks-teks berbahasa Inggris guna membantu pembelajar B...
Tulisan ini mencoba mengungkapkan pemanfaatan teks-teks berbahasa Inggris guna membantu pembelajar B...
Tulisan ini mencoba mengungkapkan pemanfaatan teks-teks berbahasa Inggris guna membantu pembelajar B...
INDONESIA: Penelitian ini berfokus pada jenis dan perbedaan perangkat kohesif yang digunakan pada...
The objective of this research is to know the kinds of cohesive devices which applied in seven texts...
This research is about lexical cohesion (repetition, synonym, antonym, hyponym, collocation). This s...
This thesis discussed about the analysis of lexical cohesion in National column in the Jakarta Post ...
ABSTRACT The researcher conducted the study entitled “An analysis of lexical cohesion in Op-Ed arti...
To make the reader understand what the writer means, the writer should compose a well form of the te...
The study is about describing the lexical and grammatical cohesions which are used in the main arti...
The study is about describing the lexical and grammatical cohesions which are used in the main arti...
The study was conducted to analyze, to find out and to describe the types and the dominant device of...
Discourse analysis is the study about language in use in which it shows how the sentences are relate...
This study is aimed at describing discourse studies especially at cohesion from reader’s opinion str...
This study is aimed at describing discourse studies especially at cohesion from reader's opinion str...
Tulisan ini mencoba mengungkapkan pemanfaatan teks-teks berbahasa Inggris guna membantu pembelajar B...
Tulisan ini mencoba mengungkapkan pemanfaatan teks-teks berbahasa Inggris guna membantu pembelajar B...
Tulisan ini mencoba mengungkapkan pemanfaatan teks-teks berbahasa Inggris guna membantu pembelajar B...
INDONESIA: Penelitian ini berfokus pada jenis dan perbedaan perangkat kohesif yang digunakan pada...
The objective of this research is to know the kinds of cohesive devices which applied in seven texts...