Several Slavia families enjoy an outing with their new young Pastor. c. late spring, 1936. Left to right (rear): 1. Pastor Stephen Tuhy, 2. Geo. Jakubcin, Jr., 3. George Jakubcin, Sr., holding son, Ivan (Bo), 4. Ferdinand Duda, 5. Joe B. Mikler, 6. John Duda, Sr., 7. Katie Mikler Duda, holding Walter, 8. Johnny Mikler. Front: 1. Lillian Jakubcin (?), 2. Anna Duda Jakubcin, touching Zeke, 3. Emily Jakubcin (with Ed Duda in front of her??), 4. Elizabeth Mikler, 5. Anna Jakubcin Mikler, 6. Mary Mikler, 7. Julia Jakubcin, 8. Anna Mikler. The photo was likely taken at Daytona Beach on a day trip (note several family cars in background) and the occasion likely preceded the marriage of the young pastor in mid-summer of that same year, since the ne...