The article brings a report on the 13th International Congress of Slavicists which was held in Ljubljana from the 75th to the 21st of August 2003. The congress represented a very important cultural event and an extremely demanding organizational task since Slovenia hosted the largest number of Slavicists coming from all over the world ever.Prispevek je poročilo o 13. mednarodnem slavističnem kongresu, kije potekal od 15. do 21.avgusta 2003 v Ljubljani. Na kongresu, kije bil velik kulturni dogodek in katerega organizacija je bila zelo zahtevna, se je zbralo doslej v Sloveniji največ slavistov z vsega sveta
V prispevku so predstavljene oznanilne knjige iz 19. stoletja, ki so nastale pri poslovanju župnij v...
The monograph illustrates the festive year of Slovenes in the Canale Valley from the perspective of ...
This feature "Chronicle" reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, ...
The article reports on the international conference »Europhras Slovenija 2005« which was held betwee...
The article gives an overview of the activities in Fran Ramovš Institute of Slovene Language during ...
This article writes about the project „Das Volkslied in Österreich“ (Folk Song in Austria) that was ...
The article discusses the Slava, or Krsna Slava – traditionally, a Serbian Orthodox celebration of a...
Enajsto zasedanje Komisije za slovansko besedotvorje je tokrat potekalo od 24. do 26. marca 2009 v M...
V diplomskem delu sem raziskala in analizirala kongresno dejavnost v Sloveniji, in sicer z namenom, ...
.The article presents the current stance of investigations and issues concerning the Early, Middle a...
The article deals with the course and results of the International scientific conference «Art and Cu...
Prispevek je posvečen analizi sodobnih slovenističnih raziskovalnih projektov na Ruski akademiji zna...
Revija je bila na pobudo skupine slavistov ustanovljena leta 2008 z združenjem ene ameriške in štiri...
Text iz published on SLO pages.V dneh od 29. julija do 4. avgusta 2000 je v finskem mestu Tampere po...
The article brings an insight into the sociolinguistic image of the Kanalska dolina (Val Canale), th...
V prispevku so predstavljene oznanilne knjige iz 19. stoletja, ki so nastale pri poslovanju župnij v...
The monograph illustrates the festive year of Slovenes in the Canale Valley from the perspective of ...
This feature "Chronicle" reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, ...
The article reports on the international conference »Europhras Slovenija 2005« which was held betwee...
The article gives an overview of the activities in Fran Ramovš Institute of Slovene Language during ...
This article writes about the project „Das Volkslied in Österreich“ (Folk Song in Austria) that was ...
The article discusses the Slava, or Krsna Slava – traditionally, a Serbian Orthodox celebration of a...
Enajsto zasedanje Komisije za slovansko besedotvorje je tokrat potekalo od 24. do 26. marca 2009 v M...
V diplomskem delu sem raziskala in analizirala kongresno dejavnost v Sloveniji, in sicer z namenom, ...
.The article presents the current stance of investigations and issues concerning the Early, Middle a...
The article deals with the course and results of the International scientific conference «Art and Cu...
Prispevek je posvečen analizi sodobnih slovenističnih raziskovalnih projektov na Ruski akademiji zna...
Revija je bila na pobudo skupine slavistov ustanovljena leta 2008 z združenjem ene ameriške in štiri...
Text iz published on SLO pages.V dneh od 29. julija do 4. avgusta 2000 je v finskem mestu Tampere po...
The article brings an insight into the sociolinguistic image of the Kanalska dolina (Val Canale), th...
V prispevku so predstavljene oznanilne knjige iz 19. stoletja, ki so nastale pri poslovanju župnij v...
The monograph illustrates the festive year of Slovenes in the Canale Valley from the perspective of ...
This feature "Chronicle" reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, ...